Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 176,283,163 Issue: 349 | 27th day of Relaxing, Y10
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New Series

Being Grey: Part One

Why were they attacking her in the first place? Did they want her gone that badly?

Also by psychopsam

by mithril_mithrandir

Casper and the 350 Avatar: Part One

Casper Philippe Crandel Beaumont del Montmorency the white Weewoo had no doubts. He knew exactly what he wanted to be when he grew up...

Also by flying_tree

by concertogreat_8

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"I Am Vira" by cool247lala
"AHH! It's Vira! Run before she makes you look in one of her evil mirrors!" The Uni ran as fast as she could, streaking past Vira's home. Vira sighed. She got that a lot, even though she had never made a Neopet mutant. The other Neopet, a Quiggle, looked nervously at her as she glanced at him. She sighed, annoyed. "Go home," she said. "If you've come to gaze at the freak show, visiting hours are over." The Quiggle blushed red...

Other Stories


The Importance of Coffee
He coughed quietly and then said, "It's four in the morning, Mum. Why do you need money?"

by madalyn876


A Different Kind of Egg
"I've never heard of a grey Draik egg before!"

by kayzee_vs_world


Trading Points
Sometimes, it just isn't enough to say you have a pet up for trade.

by unmerited


Mystery Island Exploration – Aquatic Fauna
Today, we are going to dive into the unexplored depths of the lakes and seas around Mystery Island!

by petitehirondelline


Drawing a Blank: Happy Birthday Dio

by aangchan


Fuzzy Logic
What can I get you?

by silverqueengalaxia

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