Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,057,485 Issue: 817 | 2nd day of Running, Y20
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Face the Facts

They do say fact is stranger than fiction.

Also by cloudypoogle and squishable

by rooftopchicken

The Leaf Bag

Having a trash bag designed after you is bad enough. Being reminded it exists is even worse.

by trishabeakens
Add's Shenanigans


by dtrg
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Part 1

That's why the shrine is so big, it's full of secrets

by paperjeans
Same, Right?

right, same?

by butterflybandage
Blumaroo's Joke

Can a Blumaroo jump higher than a house?

Also by sthephanie

by neschulz

Random Oddness - Wraith Resurgence #5

Pets that are painted wraith should probably sit this one out.

by mistyqee
All That Glitters

Stop trophy inequality!

by friend101253
Fyora's Wings

.. Are you serious?

by supertualet
Travelling through the sewages of Neopia

Just one..more..second..

Also by outzpwn

by millyhz

The voice inside my head

Did you say cookies??

Also by cherie_nicole

by keruza

Effective Method For Stress Relief

ohhh...ahhhh..ohh lala

by miikuroneko
Recovering From Boochi

After an encounter with Boochi, one of my pets undergoes a transformation. But his buddies forgot a detail... Wearables

by tangamandapiano
Unstuck #1: Transformation Sequence

Whata transformation...!

by rimonic
TFW: Everyone's a Critic

Well you know what...

by jjensen688
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"Battle at Sea" by dragonshadez
The dainty paws’ of the infamous pirate captain Rowan pats against the deck of the faded walnut color of the wooden deck, as she peeks through the clear crystal telescope that fits in her paw perfectly. In the distance a battleship that is much more advanced than her own is speeding towards them at an alarming rate. This situation brings even more misfortune that they have already had. Not even twenty four hours has past since they were last attacked. Therefore the other ship could easily tell that they were in no condition to fight. Freshly patched holes have were just a patch job till the deckhands had the time to fix them properly, because they were already repairing more pressing matters late into the night. With a soft hum, Rowan tilts her head side to side as she formulates a battle plan. It had to be a perfect plan as to not have anyone injured, and with a slight smirk upon her lips she turns towards the chief navigator, "Haylen! Hard right rudder! Full Speed!" Her voice held strength and is steady. No need to worry the crew more than they probably were. There was no reason for them to anyway. Rowan would bring them out of this alive. A few feet behind the bunny stood a dragon like creature, better known as a Shoyru, who responses in a squeak, "Right! Hard right rudder! Full Speed!" His claws spins the wheel all the way to the right. His facial features shows distress as sweat covers his scales. The rest of the neopets on the bridge could tell that he was afraid, he wasn’t one to hide his emotion. Better yet, someone who couldn’t hide his emotion. He dislike the side of himself that is a scaredy cat, but at a time like this he knew that he could not let this fear overcome him. Therefore instead of hiding like he wanted, he shook the bad thoughts out of his head to focus at the task at claw. All he need was to put his faith in his captain.

Other Stories


Darigan Overlords
The shadowy figures slunk through the dank tunnels. As the sludge dripped off their daggers and spears, they trudged higher and higher. They reached the hidden gate and cast the spell that would open the enchanted gate.

by grimmbones7


Intergalactic Message
The story of a pair of grundos

by hatsuomi


Flowers and Plants you can Grow to Welcome Spring.
Spring is here and what better way to welcome it than to start planting beautiful and fragrant foliage. It is the season where nature reawakens after a long icy cold winter. Let’s leave our cups of borovan behind and get out to enjoy the sunny and warm weather.

by prada_prince


The Case for HP Increase
Hp increase...

by dfgh5067


The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Four
Deep in the old castles of Meridell, Mina and Talzadon stood by the armor-filled well, despondent. Mina had stopped breathing fire while they contemplated their options in the darkness. “I’ve got an idea,” she said almost solemnly, “but it’s up to you to make it work.”


by purplehopper


Change Needs Growth:Part Two
“It’s been a while, right, Patrick?” Nash, the red Psimouse, spat out the words.

“What do you want, Nash?”

by jehtredmonkey

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