Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,057,485 Issue: 817 | 2nd day of Running, Y20
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Continued Series

The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Four

Deep in the old castles of Meridell, Mina and Talzadon stood by the armor-filled well, despondent. Mina had stopped breathing fire while they contemplated their options in the darkness. “I’ve got an idea,” she said almost solemnly, “but it’s up to you to make it work.”


by purplehopper

Change Needs Growth:Part Two

“It’s been a while, right, Patrick?” Nash, the red Psimouse, spat out the words.

“What do you want, Nash?”

by jehtredmonkey

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The Best Books for Every Genre

There are many books around Neopia that can be read to your Neopets (as long as they don’t find them boring!) to increase their intelligence. If your pet reads enough books, they can reach the top level of intelligence, ultimate genius! Additionally, extremely well-read Neopets can be considered for the Neopian Book Award and the Booktastic Book Award. There are eight Neopian shops that carry books, and they all differ from one another. Some are themed according to their location, others have different mediums for carrying the text, and no two bookstores offer any of the same books. Here is a list of all bookshops in Neopia, their locations, and a little bit about them. Magical Bookshop: The main and original bookstore is located in Neopia Central. This bookstore is known for carrying the largest selection of books! They sell almost two thousand unique books of every genre, topic, you name it! Faerieland Bookshop: Located in Faerie City, the Faerieland Bookshop carries faerie themed books. Naturally.

Other Stories


Darigan Overlords
The shadowy figures slunk through the dank tunnels. As the sludge dripped off their daggers and spears, they trudged higher and higher. They reached the hidden gate and cast the spell that would open the enchanted gate.

by grimmbones7


Battle at Sea
The dainty paws’ of the infamous pirate captain Rowan pats against the deck of the faded walnut color of the wooden deck, as she peeks through the clear crystal telescope that fits in her paw perfectly.

by dragonshadez


Confessions of a Hissiholic
Hissiholic (n.) A person who is particularly addicted to the collection of Hissies.

by alli_draggy


The Best Books for Every Genre
There are many books around Neopia that can be read to your Neopets (as long as they don’t find them boring!) to increase their intelligence.

by k3l26


Random Oddness - Wraith Resurgence #5
Pets that are painted wraith should probably sit this one out.

by mistyqee


Add's Shenanigans

by dtrg

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