Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,074,773 Issue: 819 | 16th day of Running, Y20
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Trouble in Paradise: Party

But it wouldn't be an NT party without my characters. D:

by chasing_stars44
Celebrating Fifteen Years

Fifteen years and still going strong

by _quartervirus_
Patience is a virtue!

I missed you...

by hunnybunnie
Wraithcon - Return

Two soldiers are reunited once again...

by krabbox
Reunion with TDMBGPOP

I've finally found you...

by miraday
A Neopet's Reunion


Collaboration with cloudypoogle.

by suixx

NeoPaper: Celebration Collab Celebration

Red's hosting the best celebration ever; check it out!

by mbredboy31
Who needs luck when you have cake?

Hands UP! Collab with sonsofan4rchy

by xox_hershy_xox
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"Doe's Explosive Reunion" by skutterbotched
I don’t particularly enjoy being alone in a silent, empty cavern, but here I am. I can hear Korbats in the very far reaches of the cavern doing… whatever Korbats do. I’m not familiar with their habits- as a big, Stealthy Uni, I avoid caves like this. I wouldn’t say I’m claustrophobic, but the enclosed spaces do typically trip up a primal anxiety that I’d rather not think about. As for why I’m in the cave? Well, someone needed an item retrieved and gave me a vague description of what it looks like, and then sent me into the general area it was lost. This one just so happens to be a magic-cancelling cave, so I can’t just cast a retrieval spell and let it come to me and collect my paycheck. I don’t even know how people lose items in these places. And if you lost it here, why don’t you go back in to get it yourself? And why couldn’t they ask someone smaller, like Amulatt? She’s like three feet tall at the shoulder. That’s way more doable than trying to get my frame, which is six foot at the shoulder, eight at my head, through these stupid narrow and low passages that seem to get narrower as I get deeper into the cave. I’ve hit my horn on the ceiling more times than I can count, and it’s not until I’m nearly crouching that I finally see the item I’ve been sent to retrieve. "Of course it’s a necklace," I say to myself.

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Here Now
Cntral Cavern -as its name implied- was located in the heart of Moltara, sitting snugly between the maze of tunnels above and the pits of magma below. And because of its location, it was known as Moltara's go-to rendezvous point.

by blueys45


Bramble & Patches
Though it’s not common knowledge, there was a NeoPox outbreak that occurred a couple days before Lord Kass declared war on Meridell.

by butterflybandage


Celebrating Gadgadsbogen
What is Gadgadsbogen?

The month of Running is always cause for celebration on Mystery Island. Throughout the entire month, natives and tourists alike gather on the island to celebrate Gadgadsbogen. If you are wondering what Gadgadsbogen is, it literally translates to “good good day!”

by hectic_haley


Famous Reunions During Major Celebrations
Neopia has many celebrations all year around. Whether it’s only in one land or for all of Neopia, hundreds if not thousands are participating together in the festivities. However, for some famous Neopians, these celebrations are a bit more special as a reunion between family and friends occurs on that day. These

by pikachu315111


Reunions and Petpets: Another Pirate Adventure
Meadowbuck groaned and opened his eyes. Dirty light filtered into the confined space, revealing dust moats and the figures of the Yellow Gelert’s friends--a Spotted Blumaroo and a Royal Bori.

by newenglandquizzer


Over the flurry of green and cracked earth, a sliver of the deepest orange crept up over the chasm of Faerieland. It set the sky ablaze with oranges and pinks, and the glimmer of stars fell away. Darkened clouds absorbed the tint, now drifting without purpose. The light enveloped every angle of the stony slopes and enhanced the darkened valleys crevices.

by erroro

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