Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 91,831,644 Issue: 177 | 11th day of Awakening, Y7
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Continued Series

Shades of Darkness: Shadow is Arising - Part Five

We didn't impress the queen the moment we walked in through the palace doors. We were wet, muddy, and cold.

by jesse12_3
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Kidnapped Kadoatie - Part Four

"Now we're back at square one. As in, the kidnapper could be anyone if that's the case," I sighed. "Why don't we split up today?"

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Case of the Invisible Incident: Part Four

Maybe the self-made punk Usul had more to her then I first guessed. I'd have to investigate further just to be sure, though…

by tambourine_chimp
The Prophecy of Four: Part Four

"Kanal'te, look." Talusai sighed. "I don't think that Tanelle is doing this of her own will. I trust that she is still our friend, and that something can be done."

by jade_steel
The Adventures of Tarin and Zeke: The Dark Book - Part Three

"Where exactly should we begin?" asked Zeke. "The castle? Isn't there a Zafara alchemist named Kayla who lives there? We could ask if she knows anything. And Lisha, Sir Jeran Borodere's little sister might know something, too."

by sapphire123208
Snowglobe: Part Three

Ria leaped unto the boat and quickly paid the driver 1000 Neopoints, that should be enough. She sat down and leaned back. It was going to be a long ride...

by cyborg8000
Loretta: Part Three

"Loretta! What are you doing here? What's wrong?" I was shocked to see her stripped of all her jewellery, and that the quietly imperious way she had of holding herself had melted away.

by blizzard_rose
Savak: The Search - Part Two

"Is there a map nearby?" he asked. "I would like to plan our…'stay' here."

by zephandolf
The Great Gelert Hype: Part Two

Tak began to realize that this was too much for him. She's too kind to be fooled like this. You've got to tell her the truth. Tak opened his mouth, and tried to say it-that he is really a thief, but couldn't get the words out.

by the_wanderer128
Behind the Music: Part Two

Where was he? How long had he been here? He glanced down and noted his violin case sitting by his side. His violin . . . suddenly, he remembered everything.

by resurrectedwarrior
Hannah the Brave: Part Two

Her mother sat down to watch her eat. "Oh, I almost forgot. Grandfather wants to tell you a story after you've eaten," she said.

by extreme_fj0rd
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"Unity" by cheopspyramid
The final Zafaras left the feature in the sky, and doors could be heard clicking into their locks as they isolated themselves from the rest...

Other Stories


A Valentine for Nara
Ah! The feeling of success! Garell held up a red envelope and several sheets of pink paper. He also grabbed a quill and a bottle of ink from Ellen’s table before he returned to his own room.

by shadowcristal


Golden Eyed Friend
Anri, your poem is beautiful. It sounds like you wrote this for someone, like a personal love poem or something. Did you?

by who_caresxx


5 Steps for Success in Valentine Making
Welcome to the informational article about how to make your perfect valentine. We will cover this lesson in 565 easy steps! *Sees everyone start to walk away.* Wait, come back! How does five steps sound?

by hottamale0774


A Study of Valentine's Day
“What do you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?”

by charmedhorses


As Much As a Bori Can Take
He's the best....aro-o-ound!

by kudou


Spreading Messages of Lurve?
Happy Valentines Day!

by kushbi

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