Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 91,831,644 Issue: 177 | 11th day of Awakening, Y7
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Short Stories

Oh, Valentine!

I covered my eyes as I looked at the enclosed picture of my strawberry fields painted Poogle friend. I read it one more time. Hidden place? What hidden place. Never… never had I heard of our hidden place. This had stumped me.

by xxfroggehxx
There Is No Place Like Home

The Gelert felt a twinge of sadness, but decided to explore the Lodge since there really was nothing to do. She opened the door, promising herself to make it worthwhile. Another door creaked, and Aurelie stared into a pair of blue eyes.

by shadowcristal

The final Zafaras left the feature in the sky, and doors could be heard clicking into their locks as they isolated themselves from the rest. For there was one thing that the town had a problem with: unity.

by cheopspyramid
Cold Neocolas

My Neocolas at home weren't cold, and that's just not cool...

by christinetran
A Valentine for Nara

Ah! The feeling of success! Garell held up a red envelope and several sheets of pink paper. He also grabbed a quill and a bottle of ink from Ellen’s table before he returned to his own room.

by shadowcristal
Golden Eyed Friend

Anri, your poem is beautiful. It sounds like you wrote this for someone, like a personal love poem or something. Did you?

by who_caresxx
TC Explains Valentine's Day

"I would like to know, in as much details as possible, about Valentine's Day," the robot said plainly, pronouncing each word so perfectly he'd have been an instant hit with any Drama group if it wasn't for the total lack of emotion. "What is all the fuss about, exactly?"

by tambourine_chimp
A Valentines Day I Will Never Forget

"I didn't know that you and the Techo Master were good friends. I always thought that you..." Kate began smugly, however a well placed glare from my left eye quickly silenced her.

by orginalcliche
The Valentine

Jhudora positively loathed Valentine's Day. It was bad enough that Jhudora was always being beaten out by that sugary-sweet brat Illusen, and that Jhudora Day was so close to Valentine's Day, but that wasn't all.

by mad_as_sin
Stealing Hearts -- a Krawk Island Valentine

"I suppose you came here looking for her?" Masila didn't quite snap, but she had, she thought, spoken too quickly. It would be difficult to carry out her planned revenge if she gave the game away.

by schefflera
Triss and the Not-So-Funny Valentine

"Sure, you're a little stuck up sometimes…" but decided against it noticing his sister was close to tears. "Who could have done this?"

by o_apollo_o
Search the Neopian Times


Flower Power

Forget the old cookies and chocolates. They’re out, and flowers are in! ‘Why flowers?’ you may ask. Well, flowers can be used in a NeoGarden, won’t be gone after one stomp (unless you own a Skeith or a Grarrl or something like that), are relatively cheap to purchase (applies to some of them, at least) and will brighten up the day...

Other Stories


Observations of the Wild Skree
I’m honestly not sure how to explain what has happened. It would seem everything that could go wrong did go wrong...

by resurrectedwarrior


A Study of Valentine's Day
“What do you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?”

by charmedhorses


Savak: The Search - Part Two
"Is there a map nearby?" he asked. "I would like to plan our…'stay' here."

by zephandolf


The Prophecy of Four: Part Four
"Kanal'te, look." Talusai sighed. "I don't think that Tanelle is doing this of her own will. I trust that she is still our friend, and that something can be done."

by jade_steel


Please, take my <3

by krista_neogirl


And the Meepits Outgrabe
Run for your life!

by kittylin

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