Meow Circulation: 97,878,627 Issue: 186 | 15th day of Eating, Y7
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Continued Series

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Nine

The Nightmare's red eyes watched the wings, and it halted in its advance. "Raatri!" Avari shrilled, and he risked a glance over his shoulder. What he saw made his heart stop.

by fierwym
Escape Artists: Part Four

The Uni was confused. "Er - why are you all at the Pound, then? Is one of the four of you being abandoned?"

by moosuem
Brought Together: Part Five

“Gosh, we really should have brought a Shoyru with us,” Smatty said, tired. “We could have just made him fly down and get a clover for us.”

by springsteen0991
The Uni and the Miamouse: Part Three

Though she was absolutely sobbing with dread, though she was worried-sick about her poor Petpet, though she couldn't imagine what in Neopia Jhudora planned to do with Shyle -- Cuni smiled back at her true friend.

by 3dcourtney12044
The Shade Flame Legacy: Valrigard - Part Four

"If you're from Meridell, I must say I'm suprised," he said, panting. "We signed a treaty...but I suppose it didn't work out... again..."

by smurfafied1800
Rad'emant Tineela: Part Five

"Never overestimate your abilities, Davie," Bishram scorned. "Pride is a weakness, and your enemies will exploit it."

by dragonfate
The Great Migration: Part Three

"Look, I know that you may or may not want my help, but you seem to need it," Arkatha began, "Borver, I want to help you. I'm going to help you find your colony.

by spiritwolf_forever
Rage Alone III: Ambitions - Part Three

"When you come across a Grundo armed with a really big gun, our stuff will actually help. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I plan on having us stick together."

by nomad2
Prophecy of the Equinox: Part Two

It had been almost ten years since the capture of his sister's egg and the brutal attack of his parents. Though he had been young at the time, Astrovia had helped to care for the tiny blue gemlike shell, polishing it with his breath, humming softly to the stirring life within...

by laurelinden
Cafeteria Chaos: Part Three

What could a fat Bruce and Elephante do to her anyway? "I demand to know why you put Transmogrification Potions in the food you cook."

by shadih_temporary
The Crystal Eye Prophecy: Part Two

"Listen," she hissed to the faerie. "If you want to die because of your 'friend' the Fire Faerie, so be it! But, if you actually want to live, you may want to help me!"

by vanessa1357924680
The Legend of Hannah: The Pirate Caves - Part Two

Once she had every thing she needed, she took the map out of her pocket and let it guide her to the caves. All though, it was near the Academy, Hannah still had difficulty finding it.

by riorocks68
King Roo: Part Two

"Very well," the queen said when Usha finished speaking. "The very purpose of this conference is to help our fellow Neopians who are in need. Since you have voiced your island's problems, King Usha Roo, we shall do our utmost to help your people..."

by scarletrhapsody
Moonlit Peaks: Part Two

"What if they can't come back, Zarrel?" he pressed. "Look at the sky! There's already huge storm clouds gathering; in a few hours it'll start snowing, and then no one will be able to make it up here."

by battlesunn
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"Dining with Skarl" by kushbi
When the first rays of the morning sun lit the sky, a messenger bearing a command from King Skarl arrived at the most famous house in the land...

Other Stories


Memoirs of a Pirate Crew
They were used to the aggression of the waves; the jumping water did not bother the crowd, and they ignored it, as they chatted rather than slept.

by chocolateisamust


The River
"Would you like to come with me, Child? I can show you something you've never seen before."

by hottamale0774


Neopets Trading Card Game: Back to Basics
Neopets TCG is a fast moving game, and with the right cards, it’s possible to win even on your fourth or fifth turn! With a simple deck of little more than common bank fours and a few well-chosen Equipments, even a beginner can win this game.

by neopian_queen_liana


The Guild Council: Why is a Spot SO Crucial?
In most average sized to big guilds, the leader doesn't choose just ANYONE to be on have that special position on their council. They have to be active, kind, loyal, have good ideas, be good at recruiting members, or maybe be good at HTML.

by girlsarefun


Smelly Nelly
"Gets his name."

Coloured by horseback444

by i_hate_backstabbers


Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara
Will it come true?

by rufusrockskp

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