Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 97,878,627 Issue: 186 | 15th day of Eating, Y7
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Short Stories

A Change of Tune

It had been like this as long as anyone could remember. From the first day, Fiol had her corner where she sat all day. No one talked to her, and she didn't talk to anyone. From that first day, the groups formed and she was the outsider.

by shadowcristal
The River

"Would you like to come with me, Child? I can show you something you've never seen before."

by hottamale0774
The Dream of a Kitchen Boy

The curious eyes belonged to Joey, a young Gelert who worked in the restaurant's kitchen. He had always wanted to become a pirate but it wasn't half as easy as he had imagined it to be.

by ssjelitegirl
Dining with Skarl

That's why no one hears about dung in Brightvale. :P

by kushbi
Cherry Tree

"Hey Cherry Tree," he said jokingly. He always called her this when she needed cheering up. But today, it wasn't working.

by illusen346
Warf Rescue Team: The Warf That Could

It was a busy spring day -- one of my least favorite seasons, mainly because the Kadoaties wander around outside without their foolish master's supervision, and get themselves stuck in a tree. And that's where the Warf Rescue Team comes in.

by 3dcourtney12044
Balthazar - The True Story

The forest looked as haunting and spooky as ever. The poor child Lupe shivered in the bitter, subzero temperature, his ears pressed against the back of his head...

by the_wolf_girl994
Memoirs of a Pirate Crew

They were used to the aggression of the waves; the jumping water did not bother the crowd, and they ignored it, as they chatted rather than slept.

by chocolateisamust
Isabella's Gold Necklace

Every night before I go to sleep on the bare grass in the Uni Meadows, I wish on a star that she'll be safe and that I'll always be in her heart no matter where she goes...

by clarena
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"The Dream of a Kitchen Boy" by ssjelitegirl
The curious eyes belonged to Joey, a young Gelert who worked in the restaurant's kitchen. He had always wanted to become a pirate...

Other Stories


The Guild Council: Why is a Spot SO Crucial?
In most average sized to big guilds, the leader doesn't choose just ANYONE to be on have that special position on their council. They have to be active, kind, loyal, have good ideas, be good at recruiting members, or maybe be good at HTML.

by girlsarefun


Celebrating the Neopian Times
I would like pay contribution the Neopian Times and the Neopians that have made it happen. This article is dedicated to all their hard work and effort they put into the Neopian Times to make it the best it can be.

by raghbin10


Avalanche: Part One
"So how did you get into this?" he asked. "My owner told me about it, she'd gotten the information somewhere. I'd never even been to the Aisha Community Center," he added, smiling.

by extreme_fj0rd


Quest of Three: Part One
Jeran waited politely for a moment, then prompted, "I'd be happy to help if I can, but that DOES require knowing what you're talking about."

Also by Dreagoddess

by schefflera


Lunaticity #3
How long does food last in Neopia?

by jerk_head


How To Rule Neopia
"Ice Cream Machine"

by castor_b

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