Voice of the Neopian Pound |
Circulation: 175,301,044 |
Issue: 361 | 26th day of Gathering, Y10 |
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Headlines "Cold" by reggieman721 The two muffins are still sitting in front of me on that plain blue plate. I stare at them, trying to decide which one to eat. How is a Neopet to know which is better? The choice is before me, and I'm certain that one side is right and the other is wrong... I just can't tell which is which. Keira finishes what she's doing and glances at me. The pink Gelert notices that I still haven't touched either of the muffins...
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The Relentless Faellie "I suppose I could take it home until the storm is through, and maybe feed it as well. But I don't intend to keep it."
by rissa714 |