Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,301,044 Issue: 361 | 26th day of Gathering, Y10
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Short Stories

Catching A Tigermouse

Then I heard a noise. I listened carefully. It was coming from my attic.

by mystery_island111223
The Fabulous Four - The Beginning

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Mom wouldn't do that without at least telling us."

by catloverusa
Story Of My Neofamily

There was Vue, then there was Koug, then Cassie, Rus, then topping them all off, Tamsy, creating an unbelievably unstable tower of baby neopets.

by blink182_2005183
Seeking Ancient Treasure

The adventures of my pets - Tavie, Loli and Hiyouji - and the things they do when I'm not online.

by princessmelissa83
The Relentless Faellie

"I suppose I could take it home until the storm is through, and maybe feed it as well. But I don't intend to keep it."

by rissa714
The Honorary Feepit Vs. the Monoceraptor

Suddenly a loud roar sounded throughout the jungle. "What was that sound?" asked Rufus...

by ashflash
Tyrannian Stranger

He was always there. Left of the second rock bridge, just before the ticket booth.

by tanyawebber
A Short Tail

This is what I've always wanted to be, she thought.

by halo_in_the_skys
Hatred Because Of Love

"Brightmask, what are my siblings like? What are their names?"

by mikan_girl94
It Happened Twice

"I really like your Island Gelert," he said brightly. I grimaced.

by ambreon
The Kacheek Club: The Haunted Teahouse

"Look at this!" Xana held up a red brochure with gold trim that was entitled Shenkuu Sights. "It has all sorts of interesting places that we can visit."

by jenlin_25
Time of Need

"Ruan... you can't have a petpet!" I stammered out, completely flabbergasted. "Y-you're... an owner. Human."

by queen_starshine
The Water Stone

Kayle collapsed to the ground, dropping his mother's water pail. "Man, I'm parched. Let's get that water."

by costa_rican_girl

"Blueberry or cranberry?" Keira carefully removes the tray of steaming muffins from the oven and places it on the counter.

by reggieman721
Search the Neopian Times


"The Kacheek Club: The Haunted Teahouse" by jenlin_25
"Where is everyone?" Gwen exchanged puzzled looks with her friends. The restaurant, which had looked so inviting at first, turned out to be completely empty. Sure, the mouth-watering cakes and biscuits looked as good as new inside their display cases, and Shenkuu-themed music was playing through the speakers, but there were no customers or staff in sight...

Other Stories


Are You A Neopets Risk Taker?
Do you tiptoe around Neopets, scared of the Pant Devil, or are you one of the first people to sign up to fight the evil Meepits?

by mrs_hartdegen


How To Successfully Create a Roleplay Board
Know what your roleplay is about. Because if you don't know, how are others supposed to know?

by entitled


The Fate of the Lost City of Geraptiku: Part Five
"You were found lying at the bottom of the stairwell to the Deserted Tomb in Geraptiku, during the tropical storm."

by rest_in_boredom


Falling Rain: Part Two
"Terrible food here, isn't it? I guess Kass's men are too busy being spooky to learn how to cook properly."

by mutedsanity


Because I said so!

Idea by _dark_black_star_

by plaid_love


Life is a Playground - Your Neopet!
A wonderful hero...

by larenchan

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