Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,178,347 Issue: 373 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y10
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Continued Series

Pirates, the Sight, and the Sea - Part Nine

Mithy caught up with his sister just as the amulet slipped out of her grasp and disappeared into the depths of the ocean.

by vanessa1357924680
Samson, the Pirate Lupe: Lost Memories - Part Six

He stumbled back into the kitchen through a back door and brought the heavy meat he was carrying over to the stove. He almost tripped over Tiger's tail in the process.

by firedoomcaster
A Faerie Tale: War - Part Six

"No one will dare come to help Faerieland," Jhudora continued. "After all, if it's an evil as great as to defeat Fyora... why bother fighting it at all?"

by herdygerdy
Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Six

"I feel like I'm in some extremely important prophecy or something," he muttered. "Look, I don't do prophecies."

by precious_katuch14
Fyora and Celandra: From Servanthood to Friendship - Part Five

An idea suddenly struck Celandra. "What if I took one of these items without paying? Fyora will have to reprimand me for that!" thought Celandra.

by black_skull725
Messenger: The Journey North - Part Four

The swim to Brightvale didn't take too long. Within half an hour, we were trekking wet, exhausted, and hungry through the streets of Brightvale.

by hedgehog_queen
Xavier's Quest: Part Four

He glanced up toward the cavern's ceiling, trying to gauge what time it was. Not that knowing will do me any good, he thought. I don't know when the Snowager sleeps.

by phadalusfish
The Werelupe Hunter: Part Three

Fanger followed, his ears pricked and alert. There was a large tree next to the front door, and Fanger could just make out a large shape lurking in the shade. Wait...

by rachelindea
The Fallen: Loved - Part Four

No Christmas for him. He was going to skip the holiday. He felt no desire to be cheerful or merry, or to eat a lavish Christmas dinner, and he knew that there would be no gifts under the tree for him.

by ayame_23
Usuki Star: Part Two

"It's just a contest, Rose." Ali turned to the Shoyru. "There will be more contests you can enter. Why are you so sad about this one?"

by cheeseworld101
The Maraquan Pet Woes: Part Three

Life in Maraqua had reached an all-time low. Dana was earning just enough to survive, mostly because she stubbornly ate at the Kelp restaurant every night.

by kindlykat937
The Kacheek Club: Day of Giving Edition - Part Two

"Add a slice of carrot, don't forget the tomato! Toss a dash of pepper to it, then finish off with a potatooo!" Sarina sang at the top of her lungs.

by jenlin_25
I am Aqua: Part Three

"She will be fostering you until you are a rare color, then find you the right home. You're quite lucky; there are only a handful of fosterers out here!"

by reeses_pet
A Certain Kind Of Magic: Part Two

After another moment of silence I burst out, "Alright, I made a mistake! So what?"

by buds_and_authors
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"Letters and Litter" by neocoladdict
Martha works in Letters. To be more specific, she works in Suggestions. Take a left turn at the red sign, and that cramped, stuffy, overflowing-with-paper cubicle is hers. Every day, Martha opens thousands of letters from Neopians...

Other Stories


Letters and Litter
Have you ever wondered where all of those letters you send to "The Neopets Team" go to?

by neocoladdict


Hairy Sweaters
Why would any respectable pet shave their head? Maybe a new trend.

by iloenchen


New Years Resolutions
Hey, Y 11 is coming up and the turn of the year is the usual time when most Neopians make a list of ideas to better themselves in the new year.

by cherokee_kitten_


The World of Winter Sports in Terror Mountain
Congratulations! It's important to be energetic. But how do you, the responsible and accommodating owner, take care of them in winter, so they don't catch the Sneezles?

by charumati


The Preposterous Professor - Episode 2
Homework check!

by _dead_meat_x_


Feeding a Poogle Before the Race...
The race is about to begin!

Art by ebily

by achdut

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