Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,178,347 Issue: 373 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y10
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New Series

Tween Dusk and Dawn: Part One

"What happens on New Year's Eve?"

by micrody
Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Plushie's Life For Me: Part One

An adventurous story of how a plushie Shoyru found his true calling.

by pineapple_apple
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Neogarden Planning

For many new homeowners, it's the outside that has posed a challenge to them. Most of these first time homeowners are young Neopians who are very excited in getting their own houses but are a little awed by the landscape. "We had no trouble decorating the bedrooms and kitchen," said a young Usul, "but I'm absolutely lost with the garden..."

Other Stories


A Detour
There was nothing that was left unplanned; therefore, nothing could go wrong.

by olivia_2022


Hairy Sweaters
Why would any respectable pet shave their head? Maybe a new trend.

by iloenchen


What Makes You Good at Key Quest?
What would you do if your opponent was three squares away from winning, and it was your turn?

by shinning123


Jungle Raiders Guide: Swing Your Way to a High Score
In Jungle Raiders, you play a jungle-themed Mynci whose goal is to collect as much treasure as possible by swinging through the trees and gathering the coins that are placed in his path.

by facetiousmind


Money Tree

by crystalcat10488


The Preposterous Professor - Episode 2
Homework check!

by _dead_meat_x_

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