For an easier life Circulation: 185,422,742 Issue: 497 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y13
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Continued Series

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Nine

There was a small rope bridge leading out to the ship that sat in the center of the lake, but it was clearly old and fragile. Hannah knelt down...

by medit92
Within the Games: Part Seven

"Cyber-Port 2000, take us to Faerie Racers!"

by yoshifan272
The Roomies Ruin: Part Four

Now Jhudora was missing—most likely kidnapped— and she could do absolutely nothing.

by vanessa1357924680
My Enemy, My King: Part Two

"These directions, coupled with my own notes and translations, will lead you to the underground chamber where the 'Son of the Sun' hid his greatest treasure."

by saphira_27
The 404: Part Five

I peered out quickly into the audience. Sloth had moved, thank Fyora—well, not that she helped, but you know what I mean...

by fuzzymonkey31
All Just a Little Bit of History Repeating: Part Two

"I'm looking for the Magical Research Department," Jennings supplied.

The Bruce looked at him critically. "You are, are you?"

by herdygerdy

Anything You Can Do: Part Four

"...I don't suppose I'm really in a position to refuse, am I?"

by daisukefan
The Unorthodox Expedition: Part Four

"Crew!" Captain Harmond called. Everyone turned towards him questioningly, with varying levels of attention.

by saabcd__aa
Taelia's Pride: The Beginning - Part Two

"You're a load of trouble, and you have no right to ask so much of us without even helping!"

by smoothiegrrl
Seeking Treasure Beyond The Cup: Part Two

"You're the one who lost the brawl fer leadership, Dash. Live with it," Garven stated matter-of-factly.

by chimp_chicken_fish
The Rise and Fall of Dr. Boochigald: A Hero's Tale - Part Three

"Good news, Kazor. You can live," Sloth said to his guard with an unimpressed smirk across his face.

Also by a_greenparrot

by danielp1619410022198

Neopia, Year 200 Book II: Earthly Winds - Part Three

In some dark corner of the Haunted Woods, impervious to the radiance of the Dusty Quill, something was awakening in a cave...

by klaus239
Cerena's Song 2: The Amulet's Curse - Part Three

Amelia tries to catch my attention again but I am too far gone in my memories. They crash over me like a wave breaking on the shore.

by btcomsa12
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Fyora Day Activities

Flowers blossoming and weather warming, it's that time of year again - Fyora Day! The Faerie Queen does so much for us Neopians and finally it's the day she gets repaid for all her hard work throughout the long winter months! So how best to celebrate her long and fruitful rule? 1. Dress up as a faerie. What better day is there in the whole year to dress up as a faerie for a few hours?

Other Stories


Ambitions in Shenkuu
"Okay, Mother."

The young Mynci returned to scrub the pan with an emotionless face and indifferent manner.

by dave_ofwales


A Day In The Life
I found myself wondering what my pets usually do on their Saturdays. What would it be like to live a day in the life of one of my neopets?

by allison_kitty11


NC or NP? Building the Perfect Outfit - Part One
We'll admit it – we're mallers!

But is neocash the only way to customize nicely? No way!

Also by sinistrous

by agedbeauty


Faerie Footwear Findings
Have you ever noticed how you never actually see what kind of shoes most faeries are wearing?

by mystie06


Shades and Hues 25
Meet the Family pt. 6/11 – A Magician in Meridell

by mstr_dark


Poor, Poorer, Poorest!
Not rich.

Idea by vasceptre

by frost_faerie

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