Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 185,422,742 Issue: 497 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y13
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Short Stories

The True Queen of Faerieland

Fyora isn't really the Queen of Faerieland. At least, she wasn't always.

by maddymoo
The Making of a Star: Mirsha Grelinek

Mirsha, a brown Gnorbu who was just over two years old, sat on the floor, staring out the large window at the cherry tree in the yard...

by alex313
A Day In The Life

I found myself wondering what my pets usually do on their Saturdays. What would it be like to live a day in the life of one of my neopets?

by allison_kitty11
Becoming a Pirate...

Jhayman had made the decision to go to sea quite suddenly. He made quite a sight running down the dirt path that led to the docks, barely more than a pup...

by mindinabox

Being a chocolate Blumaroo is actually pretty tough.

by skizzabella
Ambitions in Shenkuu

"Okay, Mother."

The young Mynci returned to scrub the pan with an emotionless face and indifferent manner.

by dave_ofwales

The Yellow Paper Airplane Show: Episode III

...welcome to the Yellow Paper Airplane Show, a vaguely new quiz show!

by amicaverbi
Wishing on a Well

I stared down into the black depths of the Wishing Well; in my paw, I held a single neopoint.

by pippin_me
Loyalty and Yooyus

Illiley was in the most beautiful place, at the most beautiful time of year, and it depressed her.

by sunshinechelle
Chance at the Library

The Zafara Double Agent is willing to take on any job, even ones that take her close to the law.

by _hopelessromantic721
Me and I

I know Elephantes aren't the most graceful looking Neopians, but I feel like I'm worse than the rest.

by peachwriting
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"The Making of a Star: Mirsha Grelinek" by alex313
Mirsha joined in the game with the boys. Despite the fact that they could walk and little Mirsha could only toddle, she succeeded in maneuvering the ball away from them and scoring several more times. All of the children seemed to be enjoying the game, but Mirsha most of all. The Gnorbu's vivid purple eyes shone with excitement...

Other Stories


Faerie Footwear Findings
Have you ever noticed how you never actually see what kind of shoes most faeries are wearing?

by mystie06


Six Things to Do on Fyora Day
It's that time of year again - Fyora Day!

by tiptoeboo


Sailing the Stars: Part One
It was a light, starry summer evening in Neopia Central...

by bugsypal9


The 404: Part Five
I peered out quickly into the audience. Sloth had moved, thank Fyora—well, not that she helped, but you know what I mean...

by fuzzymonkey31


Academese #6
Is Chip a scholar or a sophist?

by prismfire


Funthing Has Happened!!
Hey! I'm more important!!

by white_tiger0226

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