Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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Continued Series

Order of Four: Part Twelve

Carlisle was in his place, that was what mattered: his place by Ilyis's side. And if he was quick enough, if and only if he was quick enough...

by jokerhahaazzz
The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Eight

"So where is the Darkness Guardian?" Jazan broke the silence that ensued after they had exited the former Fire Guardian's temple. Hathim paused...

by macana
Infinity: Part Seven

Flicker had the hope that if he ran far enough, he'd be able to find Papa and that maybe he could go with him after all. But after traveling all alone for some time, Flicker just wanted to find somebody.

by blueys45
Baby Adventures: The Secret Note - Part Seven

Kolyae looked up at his group. Queen Nabile picked the Chomby up and gazed expectantly at King Altador. "Well?" she asked him. "Where do we start?"

by cloudpuffpuff
A Second Chance: Part Five

"I had a great desire for the sea, Yara," replied Jane quietly. "I wanted to live in the ocean, not along it. I ran away from home to visit Nereid, and she gave me..."

by rachelray179
The Cenoal Chapters: Duties Reclaimed - Part Four

"Perhaps he was lying. Perhaps they are just the ramblings of a madman."

by kathleen_kate
Perfectionist: Part Four

Flowers are tossed and grasped. The cast bows.

And the whole time Rese beams with superiority.

by virtuosoe

A Legend Begins Again: Part Three

"He's been late to meet us at the dock before, you know," he said.

"Yeah, but this time it's different..." Jacques insisted. "Something is wrong... very wrong!"

by medit92

Things Best Remembered: Part Three

"You see," she continued, "The elements – earth, air, water, fire, darkness, and light – are forces of nature. This makes controlling them... difficult."

by chimie119
A Precious Gem: Part Two

"I'll buy a Petpet special for the occasion—what do you think? Say—a Mallard? Yes—and I'll name her Mallory."

by patt788
Out of the Shadows: Part Two

Without a moon there were plenty of shadows to hide in, but it was much easier in a large one.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find you?" said a lazy voice right next to his ear.

by rachelindea

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"Darkest" by marthajill
I sighed and carried on polishing the collection of Draik morphing potions on top of the fireplace, thinking of all the more exciting things I could be doing. Like watching paint dry. My owner Jess was coming back from a long hiatus tomorrow, though, and my brother Kam and I wanted to make our neohome look...

Other Stories


I decided to leave. Goodbye Qasala, hello new life. It was going to be brilliant!

by shadyy15


The Lost City
This was the fourth time we explored the ruins.

Coauthored by fluttergork

by draconis


World Challenging for Fun and Profit
Whether you are longing for competitive play, seeking to enhance your gaming experience, or just looking for an opportunity to increase your profit, the World Challenge (WC) may be for you.

by zabnor


Dress to Depress
Here are some great fashion ideas that will help you dress to depress!

by jamespongebob


Neopian Neophyte - Blurred Vision
Isn't that what glasses are for?

by leedom111


Things you should know about Usuls

by fressed

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