Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,938,732 Issue: 545 | 18th day of Hunting, Y14
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Continued Series

Infinity: Part Twelve

"I'm not gonna be scared anymore! If they don't like the way I am, then tough!"

by blueys45
A Second Chance: Part Ten

Jane, startled by the loud bang, turned to face the helm to see Abigail fall to the deck. Her eyes widened in horror as her jaw dropped. "No... no! Abbie!"

by rachelray179
Things Best Remembered: Part Eight

But she had to get off of the ground somehow. Sure, her yelling could bring a Guardian, but it could also bring help, which she really needed...

by chimie119
The Scarab and the Sea: Part Six

"I'm a pirate. I don't need to be dignified."

by saphira_27
Greenglade: Part Five

"Since when has it been our duty to stop her?" Akorri replied, his eyes wide...

by aquadaika
Enchanted Stories: Adventure in Brightvale - Part Four

The next morning, after breakfast, we six were gathered outside of the inn discreetly discussing plans, when Celine wandered into the alley next to the inn and started barking. We went after her to see what was up. Lying on the ground was...

by kristykimmy
Out of the Shadows: Part Seven

The entrance hall was a smoking mess. There was chunks of stone missing from every wall, and the pair of doors leading to the Library were hanging off their hinges...

by rachelindea
The Grand Neopian Travelling Circus: Part Two

'That's hard,' Sinead said, trying to turn out her leg. Focus! She growled to herself.

by frithy
Before the Thunder: Part Two

Lightning grinned and hugged him.

"When have I ever not been careful?" she asked. When she released him, Navric looked even more nervous than before, which made her laugh.

by theloverpokemonqueen

Caylis's Necklace: Part Three

"Please, this is urgent! You have to let me in!" Schala stood – er, floated face to face with a pair of bulky Maraquan Skeiths. They were in front of the gates to the underwater city...

by saeryena
Can You Remember?: Part Three

That night, Saeleah's dreams filled her brain with strange, hauntingly familiar images...

by allison_kitty11
Hiding the Clockwork Negg: Part Three

"Listen, we should talk. We're the only ones without a negg, so..."

by seiya_from_ashes
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"Vira's Curse" by spotlightstarzafara
The mirror swirled with faint veils of purple whenever it sensed her presence. The mirror made a soft chuckling noise, quiet and alluring. It sounded A LOT like that shadowy, fateful voice she had heard among the flowers, otherwise known as- That Voice That Had Ruined Her Life...

Other Stories


Vira's Curse
Vira peered closer at the violet hand mirror she held in her paw. The rims of the surface on the mirror swirled...

by spotlightstarzafara


The Polar Chuck Thief
Swhi came running up to him. Swhi was a Robot Kacheek, and always gave Relyane the company he needed. Relyane ran a detective business, and he helped solve crimes and problems whenever his friends needed him.

by l0000000l


Neolinks #1
Neolinks are a unique type of puzzle. Five questions are asked, each of which has only one correct answer.

by benwf83


My Faerie Bubbles Game Guide to get the Avatar!
This game is not under timed conditions. If you are struggling, take your time, relax; there is no reason why you need to rush this game.

by ragingpromise


The Goofers
It's NOT apple juice!

by lintsuf


Riv: The Stain Part 2
Honey, I shrank the Riv.

by halloweenkomoris

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