White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 188,938,732 Issue: 545 | 18th day of Hunting, Y14
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Short Stories

Dear Rescuer

I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I desperately need your help.

by gleamy
The Baby Chronicles: A Horror Story

"What do you want me to do about it?" Jayvion says disinterestedly.

"Entertain me!"

by spirit_wolf589

Endless Misery

Endless happily hummed to herself as she bounced along the familiar path towards home.

by april_pumpkin
The Auction House

"You have to keep track of the bids."

Another nod. "Sir, I got it. We went over it yesterday..."

by melina322

The Slumber Party

Being the socially awkward Xweetok that she was, Jordyn wasn’t necessarily the epitome of a party enthusiast.

by pony_pokey
The Polar Chuck Thief

Swhi came running up to him. Swhi was a Robot Kacheek, and always gave Relyane the company he needed. Relyane ran a detective business, and he helped solve crimes and problems whenever his friends needed him.

by l0000000l
Summer Nights

The evening sun flooded Isaac's room as he slept. The warm air silently breezed in through his open window and tickled his nose.

by jockylocky
Vira's Curse

Vira peered closer at the violet hand mirror she held in her paw. The rims of the surface on the mirror swirled...

by spotlightstarzafara
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"Endless Misery" by april_pumpkin
Endless happily hummed to herself as she bounced along the familiar path towards home. She loved the feel of the dirt road beneath her hooves and the sounds of the forest all around her. She shifted her pack, now loaded with fresh art supplies she'd just picked up from the market, as she carefully...

Other Stories


Guild Activity Ideas #2
Part of being a guild is the activities.

by terabithian


The Top 5 Most Disgusting Jellies
Some of the worst desserts ever.

by emilyralphy


Out of the Shadows: Part Seven
The entrance hall was a smoking mess. There was chunks of stone missing from every wall, and the pair of doors leading to the Library were hanging off their hinges...

by rachelindea


The Grand Neopian Travelling Circus: Part Two
'That's hard,' Sinead said, trying to turn out her leg. Focus! She growled to herself.

by frithy


Food For Thought
Food puns are the pun-iest!

by wolflova


Home Time!
It appears that kads don't suffer from homesickness...

by epicgiggle

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