Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 190,612,197 Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Continued Series

The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Five

Alvare Thornpipe had indeed been quite mad at the time of his death.

by herdygerdy
Ruined Library: Part Eight

"I can barely fly as it is!" Kiyake panicked. It was true; the faerie Xweetok was beating her wings as quickly as she could...

by aquadaika
Honor Among Thieves: Part Six

"Do you relish the title of thief?" 

Dom stood straight and tall. "Thief's a sight more honest than traitor. Wouldn't you say?"

by saphira_27

Dark Faerie Dreams: Part Three

Balthazar sat on the bench beside her, holding out a single violet. "No!" I cried, but was already too late. Fyora lifted the violet and took a delicate sniff of the petals.

by ilovemycatembers
Unbreakable: Part Three

Brynn sucked in a heavy breath and forced herself to ignore the pain from her harsh landing. She scrambled up and, before the intruder could catch his bearings and run off again, grabbed him by the collar...

by sporty2443
A Week in the Life of a Junior Defender: Part Two

"I wish we were out there doing something. Or at least questioning the suspects downstairs," I said. "Anything would be better than this."

by rachelindea
The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Part Two

"I'll take the east wing. You check the west one," Roxias whispered. Scout nodded, and handed him something. He looked down and saw a garlic bulb necklace.

by daniecelpines
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"Not Another Pound Story" by purplepeggie
Alirx glared at the headlines. "I'm sick of this," she said. "All of the stories are exactly the same. There's got to be a reason for this, Jefo. Is the Pound really like this?" Jefo shrugged. "How would I know? How would you know? We've never been pounded. Katy would never do that to us..."

Other Stories


The Junior Gourmet's Society
Natilie sat by herself in the cafeteria on her very first day of Neoschool. She was much younger than all of the other pets...

by cerpin


Austere and Azure - A Ghost and a Grey Kyrii
Their backyard had no fence at all; the dark and thick forest of the Haunted Woods backing up to the house was privacy enough. Azure took a deep breath of the fresh crisp air...

by mus_ic


The True Value of a Neopet
What do you value in a Neopet? Name? Colour? Stats? Species? But what is true value?

by leviathon96


A Guide to Freaky Factory: Working for Krelufun Ind.
So, Krelufun Industries has seen it fit to hire you, eh? The job assigned to you here is to produce Neopets miniatures for the company, and you better do it quickly!

by faeriequeenoffire


The Beginning
This is...?

by moon_flash


Where is that Aisha? She would have prevented this...

by kittenstealth

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