Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,612,197 Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Short Stories

A Friend in Deed

"The group project will be due in five weeks. Groups will be assigned on Friday. Remember, anyone who does not turn in a project will receive a zero for this class."

Also by gwendarwen

by ilhs11

Not Another Pound Story

"Well, the Pound doesn't really change," Jefo murmured, distracted by his food again.

by purplepeggie
Friends and Memories

I went to my desk and pulled out a picture from the drawer. It was of a red Draik, and a blue Cybunny, arm in arm, smiling. I turned it over gently in my hands, reading the memorized writing on the back.

by meadows_lark
Austere and Azure - A Ghost and a Grey Kyrii

Their backyard had no fence at all; the dark and thick forest of the Haunted Woods backing up to the house was privacy enough. Azure took a deep breath of the fresh crisp air...

by mus_ic

Sometimes when you are alone for a long time, you completely change.

by sleepymoon10
The Junior Gourmet's Society

Natilie sat by herself in the cafeteria on her very first day of Neoschool. She was much younger than all of the other pets...

by cerpin
Wanmei and the Reset Button

"Why do you seek the Reset Button?" asked the Baby Grundo.

Art by june_scarlet

by june_scarlet

Interview with a Minion... of Sloth

Looking back, there really was no excuse. From the time I walked up to the cottage I should have known that my day would not unfold even close to the way I expected.

by jadianne
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"Dr. Sloth Returns... again!" by dolphinsareawesome
She plopped down onto the couch, unrolling the newspaper. Perhaps it would be something good, like a funny comic, or an interesting article, or maybe one of her own stories had made it in. She glanced at the headline: Anonymous Owner Discovers Mind Control Device in Sloth Cap. She sighed...

Other Stories


What Are Your Neo Neuroses?
I simply have to clear out my inventory every night. And I figure that donating all my cheap items to the Money Tree might give me some future Neo luck!

by indulgences


Doctor Sloth Vs. Evil Fuzzles
This article will focus on who has a better chance of beating each other in a duel, Dr. Frank Sloth or the various evil fuzzles around Neopia.

by username_035


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Five
Alvare Thornpipe had indeed been quite mad at the time of his death.

by herdygerdy


Honor Among Thieves: Part Six
"Do you relish the title of thief?" 

Dom stood straight and tall. "Thief's a sight more honest than traitor. Wouldn't you say?"

by saphira_27


LIke Clockwork - Part Ten
Genre Savvy Rutu attacks! It's super effective.

by keshia_songwings


The Greatest Gift of All
We love you, Sloth!

Story by ruben160

by sk390

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