Meow Circulation: 195,085,190 Issue: 820 | 23rd day of Running, Y20
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Continued Series

The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Seven

Sir Weston opened his eyes. His muscles felt weak and the breath was gone from his chest. There was nothing to be seen anywhere, the darkness was overwhelming.

by purplehopper
Change Needs Growth:Part Five

“Wh-wh-who are you?!”

by jehtredmonkey
The Aisha Twins:Part Three

“So,” Lilly began. “What you are telling me is that we are now even further from our goal of becoming Woodland Aishas, further from the Secret Laboratory Map Piece that we needed, all because you gambled away a quarter of a million neopoints on a stupid slot machine?!

Also by beanlein and hawkydreamerz

by imcatcrazy11

TWELVE Tips to Help You Succeed in Life:Part Three


by downrightdude
Rehabilitation:Part Two

“Xandra!” Fyora looked over her doubtfully. “You do not look well.”

by erroro
A Reunion in Meridell:Part Four

Behind the marble and decorum of the Faerieland Castle laid the dungeons...

by rocksysmom
Reunions and Petpets: Another Pirate Adventure:Part Two

Lady Oakridge withdrew her torn claw from the lock and huffed a sigh. The mechanism had defeated the Royal Bori’s picking attempts.

by newenglandquizzer
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A Renewed Call to Arms in the Wraith War

My Fellow Neopians, It would appear that we have stemmed the tide against our Wraith foes. At first, they had confounded us by breaching the Faeries’ magical barrier. As time went on, our work in fighting the Wraiths one by one, in conjunction with Faerie ingenuity, led to development of a cure for the possessed Neopians. Even Malum, one of the Wraiths’ leaders, was defeated and apprehended — we may yet learn what he knows. It would seem that the only thing left to do is to allow the Faeries, under the superb leadership of General Aethia, to maneuver their forces and deal the final blow to our foe.

Other Stories


An Alien's Tale
The story of Galace, an alien from a far away planet, and how he came to find himself on Neopia.

by waternymph12


Why Jhudora and Illusen Hate Each Other
It was a particularly hot and sunny day on Mystery Island to start the year's Gadgadsbogen festival. The heat was so unbearable, even Taelia the Snow Faerie had removed her winter jacket.

Also by pinglett

by diskiss


The Kadoatery Safety Guide
This is not a guaranteed guide and is for semi-entertainment purposes only!

by apocalyp2e_arii2en


So You Just Returned From a [X-Amount] Year Hiatus
I recently returned to Neopets from an almost 6 year long hiatus.

by lauren92_k


Remiss Dreaming
There's a fine line between being generous and getting around to spring cleaning...

by silentnight188


Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Part 3 (Finale!)
First rule, only bet what you're willing to lose!

by paperjeans

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