Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 195,085,190 Issue: 820 | 23rd day of Running, Y20
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New Series

Before the Fall: An Air Faerie Story

I like to reminisce sometimes, about my life before the tragedy, when I was Baelia, the air faerie with the bright future. I’d been doing so well.

by darigankat
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"Ylana Skyfire: Protector of Spring" by cosmicfire918
Neopia, for all Ylana Skyfire disliked it, was a great place to go when one didn't want to be found. For added measure, she'd chosen a land where one would least expect to meet an interstellar bounty hunter: Meridell. Well, there was also Tyrannia, but they at least didn't eat rocks in Meridell. So here she was on a particularly snowy day in mid-Running, huddled in the corner of an inn's ground floor, sipping her mug of borovan and half-listening to the inane chatter and singing of everyone else who'd gathered for breakfast. The other half of her mind was running through logistics, trying to figure out when it would be safe to venture back out into the stars. But at least, she thought smugly, no one would ever recognize her here. "Ylana Skyfire!" someone said. A pair of green paws slammed down on the table in front of her, and she jumped, spilling her borovan on her travelling dress. Staring at her with a goofy grin was a portly green Lupe wearing a rucksack and a thick winter coat. "What—I have no idea who that is, peasant," she sniffed in her best attempt at a sophisticated Meridellian accent, dabbing at the hot borovan with her napkin and hoping the stain would come out.

Other Stories


A Journey To Faerieland
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a blue kacheek...

by emberfusion


An Alien's Tale
The story of Galace, an alien from a far away planet, and how he came to find himself on Neopia.

by waternymph12


10 Best ways to gamble your Neopoints in Neopia
10th place: Neopian Lottery. Cost: 2000 NP. You go there every day, buy your twenty tickets and what do you have to show for it?

by maryannyks


Thoughts on Faerieland’s Wraith Resurgence
Given the latest incident where Kaia was discovered to allegedly be the Darkest Faerie incarnate, our regular Faerieland correspondents decided to weigh in with their thoughts.

by black_skull725


Eat Your Greens to Grow Big and Strong
Maybe there's something to it...

by snoopydog152


Jhudora's Quest Fashion
It's truly classic

Also by seluker406

by rowdy420

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