Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,390,322 Issue: 849 | 30th day of Storing, Y20
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Continued Series

Petpetpet Wars:Part Seven

The Mootix battalion set up the Petpetpet-be-gone bomb as night fell on Spiky Ridge. Perks and his squadron watched as the can of poisonous liquid was stood up on its end, and the complicated masonry of the Veespa was erected around it.

by Petpetpet Wars:Part
The Becoming of the Royal Thief:Part Six

All actions have consequences.

by k3l26
The Heart of Spring:Part Four

“Go! Everybody out!”

by ketchup547
Zur’s Zombie Roomate:Part Three

Noon eventually turned to evening, and the time for Ex’s dinner party had arrived.

by skittleskit09
I'm a Faerie in a Bottle:Part Two

When we last left our travellers they had just heard a mysterious noise coming from within the jungle. They had discovered they were in a video game and were given 3 wisdoms to decipher in order to escape the island.

co-written with ___popo___

by grimmbones7

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The History of the Games Master Challenges

Hello again, my fellow Neopians! Over this past week, we have been reintroduced to one of Neopia’s greatest and mostly anticipated events: the Games Masters Challenge! As it has been happening in every November over the past few years, in order to be a part of the challenge, you have to choose between two teams and, for this year, it is Knights vs. Raiders! Today, I’m not here to argue about which team is up for the win, but to tell the history of past Games Masters Challenges, ever since the first edition. Disclaimer: not to be confused with the Daily Dare!

Other Stories


“Have you no shame?”

by goldmoon_


The Brave Little Coconut
Hi! My name’s Jekkoh, but you can call me Jekk for short.

by unfogging


Celebrate Your Way Around Neopia
Ahh, the holiday season in Neopia… Holly branches, hot borovan, icicles glimmering in the low winter sun, asparag- I mean, mistletoe - hanging from the doorframes to catch you by surprise… Who can resist the joy found in the cold snow and the warm fireplace? Or cuddling with the fuzziest Vandagyre you know? We build life-size snowmen and dominate a friendly neighborhood snowball fight, we go shopping for scarves and coats and hats to find a whole new winter wonderland wardrobe… it’s inevitable. It’s the norm

by invalid


Being Devoted to One Species: It's a Good Thing!
So, is it a good thing to just be devoted to one species? I personally say yes and I will list the ways that it is a good thing.

by princessdiva7737


The Ghost
Well this is awkward.

by trishabeakens


Speckles are best

by aquarelar

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