Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 195,390,322 Issue: 849 | 30th day of Storing, Y20
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The Board Game Master

Deep in the hills of Roo Island, somewhere between Blumaroll and the Merry Go Round, was a young Eventide Blumaroo by the name of Roobina.

by smoothie_king_xiii
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"The Board Game Master" by smoothie_king_xiii
The Board Game Master, Part 1 Deep in the hills of Roo Island, somewhere between Blumaroll and the Merry Go Round, was a young Eventide Blumaroo by the name of Roobina. She grew up on the beautiful island playing games like Dice-A-Roo with her friends and breeding her competitive spirit. You see, Roobina was competitive from a very young age... "Another game! Let's go!" Roobina was shouting to her friends as they sat around playing a round of Cheat! She was shuffling the cards furiously with a fire in her eyes, a desire to decimate the competition. They were all just kids and playing for some crackers and candies, but for Roobina this was serious business. She was determined to win. "Maybe we can take a break, you have won every round today," said Mazey, a Gold Blumaroo that was one of Roobina's best friends. "Let's play Dice-A-Roo instead!" "No, it's okay, I don't really like games of chance," Roobina sighed. Roobina was a gamer at heart and a true competitive spirit but she wasn't a big fan of luck and random games. She had a passion for strategy, for deception, for being the best on her own merit and not because of the luck of the draw. Games like Cheat! are great because while they have a luck element, they also have a deep strategy to them.

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