Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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Continued Series

Geographical Guide to the Best Recipes in Every Land

"This week our two adventurers will be traversing Neopia’s highest peak, Terror Mountain."Collab with cutiepie4707

by doglover3662
A 975th Celebration Story: Who Want to be a Questor?

"Phineas was able to chat with the producer and extend the advertisements a few minutes longer to get their star cleaned up..." Collab with superkathiee

by honorrolle
The Royal Thief Unbound

Collab with breakeven

by k3l26
Wandering Stars

Qlydae Wegg's boyhood home had everything an Orange Grundo could want - including an extensive Armoury.

by pikapi20
A Hero's Journey: Seasons (for issue 975)

"Spring brings new hope, new joy, and new goals..."

by precious_katuch14
Search the Neopian Times


A Regional Guide to Marine Petpets

Give the Neopian globe a whirl and you’ll notice about half the planet is covered in water. Considering the vastness of Neopia’s rivers, seas, and lakes, it should come as no surprise that the aquatic life of Neopia is just as varied as the terrestrial life above! The salt waters of Neopia are commonly broken down into the following seas: The Terror Sea, The Tyrannian Sea, The Central Sea, The Maraquan Sea, The Geraptiku Sea, The Lost Sea, The Shenkuu Sea, the Altador Sea and The Moltaran Sea. Some academics also consider the vast ice cap at Neopia’s southern pole to be a seventh sea, but this is a contested designation and given the lack of Petpet life observed there, will not be considered in this guide. There are some areas of the Neopian Ocean which do not fall within the confines of any of these Seas, but make no mistake, Petpet life abounds there as well.

Other Stories


My Unexpected Visit to the Maraquan Ruins
"I have lived in Maraqua all my life. As a Maraquan Shoyru, it was the perfect home for me..."

by saqo


Sirens....good or evil?
"Thousands of years ago, sirens were considered evil. Especially by pirates. But this little Draik has a different story..."Collab with rosemmary

by conveyance


Treasure of the Sea: The Maraquan Kiko
"They attempted to communicate with the mysterious Kiko, asking it questions and gently knocking on the exterior of the shell, but there was no response." Collab with enkouen

by smart100000


Fabulous Friends You Can Find Underwater!
"Your Neopet will have dozens upon dozens to choose from! Therefore, in honour of “The Sea” user collab for the Neopian Times, we will be looking at some of these cuties."

by _brainchild_


Follow Me Through The Sea
"Come on! I'll show you!"

by nick_and_nickette


RIP: The Open Seas
Is the ocean more crowded than usual?

by peanutbuttermilk

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