Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 111,440,479 Issue: 193 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y7
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New Series

Rejection: Part One

"The teacher said it was time to do some work in the real world..." I muttered, remembering exactly how that Bruce had so cheerfully announced it. "We have to go and ask ourselves for practice jobs."

by shadowcristal
The Card House Falls: Part One

The Card House is "the place" for the absolute latest in street-gossip and B.D. tips. But it's not for everyone, obviously...

by appaloosa500
The Chronicles of Knight II: Rebuilding the Forsaken - Part One

"Of the many times I've heard it in the past few months, I'm still shocked to find people questioning the fact that I was made a knight. I, of all people, right!?"

by fierwym
To Be A Master: One Step Nearer - Part One

"I'm sure they're fine. Aihami-Master and Kokyu-Master are in charge, aren't they? And they've got Columba with them, too. Surely that's not cause for worry?"

by shelleylow
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Breaking In

What does Fyora keep in there? Well, we all know what; useless dolls that cost millions, some boring old paint brushes, and weapons made of the finest materials: asparagus and dung. Yes, we would all just love to snatch just one of these rare items up for ourselves, but how?...

Other Stories


To The Fairest
"I have a proposition. Let's have a Neopet choose the winner of this competition..."

Also by fetchanddotty

by dan4884


Mary Yearning
"Mary," my owner suddenly spoke up. "You've always wanted to know the meaning of your name. I guess this is the right time to tell you."

by scarletrhapsody


Breaking into the Hidden Tower
What does Fyora keep in there? Well, we all know what; useless dolls that cost millions, some boring old paint brushes, and weapons made of the finest materials: asparagus and dung.

by springsteen0991


Space Faerie: Just an Ordinary Neopian?
Is there more to this inhabitant of Neopia than what meets the eye?

by unknown_xx


Good Aim
What REALLY happens at Neoschool...

by chokato_x


Fire pets are overrated.

by sabretache

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