Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 111,440,479 Issue: 193 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y7
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Evil Plots 101: How to Properly Plan an Evil Plot

It seems no matter how a villain attacks Neopia nowadays, there is always a way to foil his or her plans and a pesky hero to find that way...

by milena03
Wiggle Your Way to Dubloons

There it is, shining away right before your eyes, the avatar of your dreams. Also known as the Smuggler’s Dubloon avatar, you loathe and envy anyone who has it before you...

by plutoplus1
At the Top of Terror Mountain: Armin

Dressed in bundles of clothing, two figures that looked vaguely familiar hustled up Terror Mountain. Yes, it's another Rachel and Hu interview...

Also by hottamale0774

by humblely

X-Treme Dice-A-Rooing... Sort Of

Sure you may expect this article to be a fun story on ways to make Dice-A-Roo fun, but it’s kind of hard to do that...

by o_apollo_o
Space Faerie: Just an Ordinary Neopian?

Is there more to this inhabitant of Neopia than what meets the eye?

by unknown_xx
The History Of the Lost Desert (Or Lack Thereof)

Although Meridell always has a historian with an empty book around, the Lost Desert is extremely picky with writing down history...

by wolfwoods_widow
50 Battledome Items That We Can Be Glad Do Not Exist

"Next thing we know there’s going to be a sloth ray gun which turns your opponent’s weapons into sludge put out there!"

Also by yudyi123

by mirissister

10 Things You Should Never Do/Ask/Say to Queen Fyora

I wish someone had told me before I actually had to go through the results myself... For the results are pretty painful. Anyways, just read on. If you dare...

by legilis
Fyora: In The Eyes Of Her Subjects

We Neopians know quite a lot about Queen Fyora, or do we?

Also by precious_katuch14

by shadowcristal

Breaking into the Hidden Tower

What does Fyora keep in there? Well, we all know what; useless dolls that cost millions, some boring old paint brushes, and weapons made of the finest materials: asparagus and dung.

by springsteen0991
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Breaking In

What does Fyora keep in there? Well, we all know what; useless dolls that cost millions, some boring old paint brushes, and weapons made of the finest materials: asparagus and dung. Yes, we would all just love to snatch just one of these rare items up for ourselves, but how?...

Other Stories


Mary Yearning
"Mary," my owner suddenly spoke up. "You've always wanted to know the meaning of your name. I guess this is the right time to tell you."

by scarletrhapsody


Max and the Ghost Lupe
He couldn't sleep. There was a strange voice calling to him. It said, "Come into the woods, little Lupe, I have a gift for you..."

by punkindoogurl


Rejection: Part One
"The teacher said it was time to do some work in the real world..." I muttered, remembering exactly how that Bruce had so cheerfully announced it. "We have to go and ask ourselves for practice jobs."

by shadowcristal


A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part Three
Dizzconnie suddenly felt solid dirt under her paws again, and she glanced to Daene in the dim light. The Krawk took hold of a torch held on the wall, beckoning them in front him...

by rabbitofkittyhawk


I think you'll find that medicore is the new interesting.

by 4_ever_


Dr. Sloth and Cough Medicine...

by chibikatza

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