teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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New Series

Shattering Point: Part One

The mansion stood like a parasite on the hill, unknown where everything else was known, a shadow where everything else was bathed in artificial light; it scared me to death...

by orginalcliche
The Guitarist: Part One

I jogged up to him, flashing as bright a smile as I could. "I've been looking for you the whole day. Why didn't you go for practice today?"

by scarletrhapsody
To Be a Pirate: Part One

The Blue Kougra got daintily to her feet. "I don't get you, Usukishi," she said, using the Usul's full name. "Why on earth do you want to pretend we're scruffy, dirty pirates instead of Usuki princesses?"

by lolazgirl
Seamstress Cybunny: Part One

Colleen liked to clean only her room, and Colette enjoyed cooking. I was the one who was forced by my siblings to do one thing I liked the most - sewing...

by anime_cybunny
Christmas With You: Part One

A tiny white Kougra slipped her pencil into a pocket and closed her diary tenderly, smoothing the rumpled cover...

by hmlanden
Christmas Warmth: Part One

"Good morning," she mumbled. They walked down a long hallway with metal silvery walls, the spiral doors on either side opening continuously, allowing other Grundos to spill in...

by neo_star_queen
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Xweetok Conspiracy?

The Xweetok, Neopia’s newest inhabitant. At first it may seem harmless; you want to pick it up and cuddle it. Of course it is the cutest little rodent that you have ever laid eyes upon, but something seems wrong with it. Its eyes are twitching, following all the inhabitants of the room like a hawk...

Other Stories


Tomos: Before the Plot
"Mother! Mother!" he screamed frantically as he was dragged away from his mother...

by mischa_rox


You Can't Get Away From Omelettes
I drummed my pen on my desk, staring straight at the star-shaped stained glass window...

by ponypeophin


Food Club: an Allergies Analogy
What are these "allergies" that affect certain Pirates? Why does each hinder some pirates more than others?

by blobenterprises


The Xweetok: a Guide to Caring for this Adorable Pet
The first thing you notice when you look at a Xweetok is its silky fur. This long coat is very important, for it enables the Xweetok to survive in cold weather...

by banishedwarrior


Life on Market Square
Now, let's talk about neopoints.

by whitepawn2008


VERY Random Events: Panther pink?
Who knew a paint brush could be a threat...

by the_panther17

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