Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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New Series

True Sisters: Part One

I brushed off my feathers and looked around. The attic was very old; you could see that just by looking at the floor. It was worn smooth from years of tiny feet running, chairs scuffing, and brooms sweeping...

by im_smarter_then_you
Shades of Darkness: Lights in the Shadows - Part One

"Well, I can't believe you fell for that old trick again, Tal," taunted the Zafara. "Maybe that's why you were always worthless..."

by jesse12_3
Encountering Resistance: Part One

If this hiding place was anything like the hundreds before it, it would shelter him for a few months, with any luck. All he had to worry about was getting out before the Empire discovered it...

by moosuem
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"The Health Food Crime" by zen_reina and mygoodguild
"The food isn't really healthy at all," Quinton confessed. "It's much cheaper this way, and I can make an enormous profit selling this junk for as much as I can sell the real stuff!" Quinton winked. "But don't be alarmed, my girl. It's all in good business. Just don't tell anyone. Now go open the store..."

Other Stories


Talek's Tale
The sword was heavy. Talek had difficulty when he tried to swing it with one hand, as he was taught...

Also by imogenweasley

by dan4884


The Janitor's Discovery
The janitor sighed. He was sick of being noticed...

by fireyblackgreyness


Top Ten Ways to Make any Party... Interesting
How many times have you invited all your neofriends to a party, only to just sit and stare at the wallpaper sipping punch?

by kyrmia


Illustrious Ixis
Ixi originated in Meridell, and can now but found far and wide all over Neopia. With their soft, shimmering fur and adorable, miniature horns, it’s no wonder...

by lassie_nikki


Title Goes Here
Oh, like it hasn't happened to you before...

by jenasu


What's for Dinner?
Mmm... Cement.

by imagiknight

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