For an easier life Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Memories are funny things; they can twist and distort the truth like a reflection seen in a funhouse mirror.

TCG: Haunted Woods

Be careful when wandering through the Haunted Woods this season. A terrible curse plagues the inhabitants of Neovia, and it's wise to stay away. Or are your neopets brave enough to find the cause? Find out with the newest Neopets Trading Card set, Haunted Woods. This article is to warn you about some of the dangerous new cards, or to bring your attention to cards that any player should have in their deck if they want the upper hand....

Malls: Right for You?

With the correct combination of competitive pricing, eye-catching advertising, and variety of items, the owner of a Neopian Mall can easily make upwards of 500,000 NP in one single day. To some of you that may be an outlandishly large amount of NP, and to others it may be chump change, but all-in-all, investing in a Neopian Mall has the potential of being one of the most profitable decisions...

Cheat: Inside Story

As much as I could go on about the game, this article is not really about tips and strategies. I happened to find the eight Cheat players in the middle of a game themselves. Lucky for me! Being the curious and enthusiastic person I am, I asked them all for an interview. They said yes, but weren’t about to quit their game. Here’s how it went...

Other Stories
"The Health Food Crime" by zen_reina and mygoodguild
"The food isn't really healthy at all," Quinton confessed. "It's much cheaper this way, and I can make an enormous profit selling this junk for as much as I can sell the real stuff!" Quinton winked. "But don't be alarmed, my girl. It's all in good business. Just don't tell anyone. Now go open the store..."

"Kotureo and the Magic Asparagus: a Pirate's Quest" by grape_luvver
Kotureo was a great pirate, who sailed the Mystery Channel (that one that runs between Mystery Island and Krawk Island) many many years ago. He's most renowned for one great adventure involving Coconut JubJubs, a band of scurvy Pink Kacheeks, hideously mutated Turnips...

"The Nobody" by _g_i_n_n_y_w_
He was a nobody. He must've been a somebody once, but for as long as anyone could remember, he had been a nobody. He had been sitting on the street corner, playing his violin for so long, he had become part of the scenery; a landmark you simply accepted and were so used to seeing, you didn't really notice it anymore...

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Great stories!


The Nobody
He was a nobody. He must've been a somebody once, but for as long as anyone could remember, he had been a nobody...

by _g_i_n_n_y_w_


Kotureo and the Magic Asparagus: a Pirate's Quest
Kotureo was a great pirate, who sailed the Mystery Channel (that one that runs between Mystery Island and Krawk Island) many many years ago. He's most renowned for one great adventure involving Coconut JubJubs, a band of scurvy Pink Kacheeks...

by grape_luvver


Beans On Toast
Ever seen it rain Yooyu balls and wondered why?

by katz_number_1


Destiny of Seamstress Cybunny: Part Four
When I woke up a few hours later, I was in a hospital bed. A nurse was around dusting the room. She smirked at me...

by anime_cybunny


The Price of Faith: Part Five
We knew that Meridell, of all places, wouldn't fancy seeing a Darkness Faerie wandering about their town. And nobody would believe that I was just there to browse...

by mutedsanity

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