A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 186,904,183 Issue: 332 | 29th day of Awakening, Y10
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New Series

Lupe Pack Detectives - Case of the Missing Statue: Part One

"A gold Ixi statue is missing from my safe. It was supposed to be a birthday present for a friend..."

by lupe_hunter_7
A Tiki Tale: Color or Companion? - Part One

Cutting her off, her owner stated firmly, "Tiki, we've talked about this. It's not so much that I don't want to buy you a Kadoatie..."

by mzkimmi
Superhero Sister: Part One

The second I heard the words 'Defenders of Neopia', I panicked. No, I wasn't an evil villain bent on destroying the world...

by sunsetneversetting
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"Do you like bubbles?" by 3little_blue_panda3
Her parents never paid her any neopoints for babysitting him. She didn't think much of it until a classmate at the Neopian School said that they got 25 neopoints for babysitting their cousin. Of course, Clara asked her mother if she could get paid the next time she babysat Todd, but she didn't exactly get the response she wanted. Her mother told her, "Babysitting isn't a job, Clara. It's a way to..."

Other Stories


How the TDMBGPOP Got Its Name!
As he got even closer, he realized it wasn't a real Grundo, but a cute plushie Grundo someone must have dropped...

by firebomb105


Healing the Healer
She looked upon her healing waters and sighed, wishing that she could spend the day just soaking in their soothing properties, letting her own magical powers wash over her like a soothing flood and wash away this sense of... restlessness...

by niddyz


How to Trade Succesfully
A guide to help all those unfortunate Neopians for the good of Neopia and to reduce stress levels...

by cinnamon_girl


Neopia's 10 Most Shocking Truths
White Weewoos do not actually exist. I know you think you've seen them, but what you've seen are...

by neo_kid_851


Chicken Soup
It's raining... Mortogs?

by foxiloxy


Mr. Meepit - #1
You may know him from Neovision, and now he is invading your Neopian Times.

by doody_duty

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