Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 186,904,183 Issue: 332 | 29th day of Awakening, Y10
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Short Stories

The Wonders Books Bring

"Who knows? Maybe today will be our lucky day..." whispered Amy into the wind...

by rat_terrier_lover_12
Never to Be

Unknown Entity, or Entity as her neighboring friends called her, loved her life. She loved having food available the minute she was hungry...

by akari24
Baby Adventures - Not for the Adult at Heart

When Tenderhorn wanders off, he finds himself not only lost but in the dangerous terrain of the Haunted Woods...

by brokensilent

I have been exposed to a large quantity of dangerous toxins which, I am told, will fuddle my mind. I have not yet felt any effects...

by adoqhina
The Deep Silence

Aekin hadn't made it to her other three surfing runs that morning, but she was sure he would be waiting at the finish line this time...

by tashni
Healing Scars

Mirian had noted that he had not spoken, laughed, or even smiled the entire time...

by jael_catherine
Plum's Present

'It's a Baby Paint Brush!' yelled Plum, full of excitement. But Stephie didn't seem to care...

by shoyru_lova1234
The Maraquan Curse

It seemed an impossible dream, but nevertheless, a dream, a fantasy. And don't dreams always come true in the end?

by tanikagillam
How the TDMBGPOP Got Its Name!

As he got even closer, he realized it wasn't a real Grundo, but a cute plushie Grundo someone must have dropped...

by firebomb105
A Neopian Fairy Tale

It was just another day for the Grand Duchess Oktyabrina. The royal Kyrii sat in front of her grand vanity in her wing of the regal castle...

by twocents
Healing the Healer

She looked upon her healing waters and sighed, wishing that she could spend the day just soaking in their soothing properties, letting her own magical powers wash over her like a soothing flood and wash away this sense of... restlessness...

by niddyz
"Do you like bubbles?"

It wasn't that she was angry at her brother; she was just irritated that her parents had gone to Neopia Central...

by 3little_blue_panda3
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Be a Better Neopian

Whether you're just getting started on Neopets or have been around since the very beginning, there's always something you can do to become a better player. You may have seen lots of guides out there that tell you how to get good at one game or one specific aspect of play, but these tips will help to ensure that you are the type of player all others will aspire to be like. If you want to be a wealthy, well rounded, and well liked player, then follow these tips and...

Other Stories


Unappreciated Jobs of Neopia: Sewage Cleaners
'It's a dirty job-- but I'm the only one, I mean only WE, are good enough to do it!'

by nodesofranvier


Neopia's 10 Most Shocking Truths
White Weewoos do not actually exist. I know you think you've seen them, but what you've seen are...

by neo_kid_851


Shay Peters and the Frivolous Fashionista: Part Four
Julia laughed, and I was growing more scared by the minute. The light faerie was really freaking me out...

Also by chocolateisamust

by sirussblack


Tales of Cadmium, Athena, and Saffron: The Fight - Part Eight
On Wednesday, Cadmium had Elyse announce that Athena did illegal scientific experiments on Meepits...

by rainpaint


Shoyru Adventures: Chronicles of the Poor pt.6
And the moral of the story is...

by lawrence_189


Creamy Fun
Why am I NOT suprised?

by unstolen

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