The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 176,283,265 Issue: 345 | 30th day of Hunting, Y10
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New Series

The Golden Globes of Light: Part One

"Who is Lilly's contact on the Citadel, and how many helpers does she need?" I asked sharply...

by torkie10
From Princess to Pirate: Part One

No one bothered her. She was the Princess. Somewhere deep down, Polie wished they would join her...

by lizzex8
Pride, Prose, and Princes: Part One

So here I was, attending a rich-folks party in order to meet people who might hate me as soon as love me. "I think I'm going to be sick," I muttered...

by dancingpetal
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"Pet Peeves" by dark_slammer
So you wander around for a bit, curious, and find a little note plastered to the fridge, a note that simply reads: 'You're in for a big surprise.' Now, this has obviously been written by your owner. Your owner that has vanished into thin air. Your owner that has PROMISED you a Darigan Paint Brush for six months...

Other Stories


Pet Peeves
You'd think exactly the same as what I thought. That the big, tremulous moment that you'd been waiting half a year for was finally going to happen...

by dark_slammer


Mop And Bucket Blues
He was here every day, every single day, night and day, and no one even knew him by name. At best he was simply titled the Yurble Janitor...

by ayame_23


To Keep or Not to Keep?
Need help deciding whether to stock up that SDB or to empty it? Look no further!

by yippo_yippee


Jhudora's Cloud Uncovered
But what the citizens of Neopia do not know is what Jhudora does with these items once they’ve been retrieved.

by princessmelissa83


Gummi Needs A Hobby - Pt 2
The tiny details are amazing.

Also by arethd

by silverskink


Light House Life (shocking issue)
Believe it or not: Rini actually learned something.

by louishooper

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