A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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New Series

The Page's Promise: Part One

Nothing bothered Trayanne when she was writing; nothing. Not even the fact that she was ownerless and in the Pound.

by thediractor
Remembering Rue: Part One

That day the bandages came off, and she got her first look at the world for a long time, nothing was the same. Nothing ever would be again.

by hedgehog_queen
Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part One

I actually spend very little time in Sloth's presence myself during each day, but yesterday was different.

by fuzzymonkey31
Flashpoint: Part One

Counter-intelligence. It's such a glamorous job.

Also by livvy_granger

by antiaircraft

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"Sloth and the Salesman" by butterflygirl113
Doctor Sloth sat hunched over a crisp new set of blueprints, his Grundo scientists having assured him that this was the pinnacle of their combined efforts. With this new piece of machinery and this particular plan of attack that his strategists had spent weeks devising to go along with it, total Neopian domination was nearly inevitable...

Other Stories


Habitarium Heroes
You are about to read a true story of heroes. First, though, I must set the scene for you.

by therons


Mixa and Tixa
Mixa and Tixa have never gotten along, and in fact, they are almost always fighting, but things can change....

by chestnuttiger787


This Means War
Raid me once, shame on you, raid me twice, this means war.

by carrotbreath


Living a Lie: The Story of the Imposter Apple
No longer will you remotely question the strange happenings that must be about when you pluck a mask-wearing orange from Bart's pail. All your answers are here.

by fluffywoy


Spoofle: Awhh Sweetheart
Aw, you shouldn't have! No, really, you shouldn't have-!!

by caylista


Exceeding Expectations
Sometimes people will surprise you!

Art by lilyed

by winters_footsteps

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