A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 187,324,720 Issue: 515 | 7th day of Collecting, Y13
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New Series

Once More, With Feeling: Part One

"You!" he shouted threateningly to the brown Gnorbu he had spotted. "You said tonight was going to be sold out!"

by herdygerdy
The Teacher's Pet: Part One

"Really?" I had thought my owner was joking. "You really work there? At the same Neoschool I'm going to?"

by thediractor
No Height, No Weight, No Problem: Part One

At first she couldn't tell what he was. There was no substance to him. She couldn't describe it...

by kittylitter251
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"Skin and Soul" by soupfaerie_best
She's not sure when exactly it started, when she began this whirlwind of a lifestyle. Maybe one morning she just woke up and decided she wanted something new. Maybe one day she drank a morphing potion, didn't recognize herself in the mirror – and liked it. So she did it again. And again. It dragged her in and consumed her, and now she doesn't go a week without changing her face. It's intoxicating, it's thrilling – and expensive...

Other Stories


Through The Bars
He led me into the cell and slammed the door behind me, twisting the key in the lock and whistling as he walked away.

by exempth


Usuki Singing Stars #9: In the Name of Science Class
"Patricia," Ms. Winston said in a concerned tone, "your science teacher mailed me your mark and it seems like your grade has slipped tremendously."

by downrightdude


The Pound - Uncovered
This week, one of our investigative reporters was fortunate enough to receive an inside tour. The following transcript is their report.

by kaanana


15 of the Best Neopoint Garlands & Foregrounds
If a Scenic Tree falls in Illusen's Glade and no one is around to hear it, does it even make a sound?

by pinkpaint


Tough: BOOM
Oh, Bem.

by greekamerica


Let's Go Fishing!...
...and greetings, Your Majesty!

by matsuda__hekino

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