Meow Circulation: 187,193,206 Issue: 516 | 14th day of Collecting, Y13
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New Series

Family Gatherings: Joy, Terror and Chocolate Cake? - Part One

"Right, everyone, hop on," Lex said cheerfully. "We're all going to the Haunted Woods, 450237 Spyder Street, please."

by miriel
Cloud Flute: Part One

"He was a Draik, though he was different from the ones we know now. To say he was huge would be an understatement. This beast was colossal, with a tail so thick it could uproot mountains and wings so massive they could blot out the sun."

by aquadaika
Visions III: Revealed - Part One

A Kyrii gazed out on to the sleeping city that lay out before him. It was bathed in the orange glow of the rising sun...

by yotoll
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"There Is No Way Out" by trininity
The silence is punctured by a sudden shrieking and thrashing. It sounds relatively far away, but clear enough for you to hear that it is the cries of a Korbat. A chill runs down your spine as terrible thoughts run through your mind. "Oh, give it up, Barallus, or I'll get Master Vex. And you remember what he did last time you were making this much of a racket; you don't want that happening again, do you?" a deep voice rumbles. A Grarrl, or maybe a Skeith, but you're leaning towards...

Other Stories


Sea of Orange
"You're overreacting," she explained. "It's just a small highlight."

"It is a flaw."

by kittenkutie936


There Is No Way Out
Letting your eyes adjust to the light, you come to the realisation that you're in a dungeon.

by trininity


Dressing Your Baby
It seems as if the only way to customize our Babies is to give them a background. But that isn't true! There are quite a few items available to clothe our little bundles of joy...

by yourlynn


The Great Gallery Guide
A simple 11 step plan that will make it easy peasy for you to create the gallery you have always wanted!

by kspare2


"Just Add Water"
Maybe Jerry the Kacheek shouldn't have gone swimming after visiting the lab...

by wcsa88


No Way!
Some of us have very little patience...

by fire_wolf_cat

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