Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 187,193,206 Issue: 516 | 14th day of Collecting, Y13
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Short Stories

Chase the Morning

How Roxton Colchester the Third came to be the infamous explorer that he is today.

by usulblue444
Searching for the Forgotten Shore

"Where do we need to go?" my owner asked.

I grinned and said firmly, "Krawk Island."

by neeraline

He Was the Greatest

The wind was blowing softly. The captain of The Waves Canto was in his cabin. He was standing above a huge map...

by nj_kitty_1
The Snow Aisha of Shenkuu

"They say the spirits of dead travelers roam there, and that rabid Pyguis attack trespassers..."

by laughingbear
I am lnking

I am lnking. I am five years old, my favorite colour is blue and I have a Deluxe Pinchit Plushie named Pinchy, who's got a tomato stain on his bottom and a neocola stain on his mouth, but I still love him.

by wezzled
The Lizark's Tale

I'm lost. Very, very lost. I can't find my way and I never will.

by roxy1042
The Search

That friend, that perfect Petpet, was nowhere, gone from Neopia. Invader wondered if there was even such a thing.

by warriorsrock965
Rainstorm and a Wibreth

"Are you scared of the thunder?" Dometaltaei asked, coming into the room. A Kepru and and a Wibreth followed her in, and hopped up on the bed...

by deserted_shadow
There Is No Way Out

Letting your eyes adjust to the light, you come to the realisation that you're in a dungeon.

by trininity
Sea of Orange

"You're overreacting," she explained. "It's just a small highlight."

"It is a flaw."

by kittenkutie936

Sibling Rivalry

"First things first," she muttered to herself as she walked through the alleys of Moltara. "I've got to see Jimmi's empire. I just can't imagine him conquering anything."

by a_greenparrot
Journal of a Wimpy Xwee

Lily told me after we left the agency that yellow would not really be my permanent color, since she plans to paint me soon.

Also by rodel_27phoenix

by chat_adik

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How to Throw Snowballs

The catapulting snowballs launched from Snow Beasts, the snarling Lupes charging onto your territory, the snow-block fortress that needs to be constantly mended, this is the definition of the intense game known as Snow Wars II. Snow Wars II is a fast pace game where gamers like you must play strategically, keeping in mind various offensive and defensive tactics. The first time I played Snow Wars II, I felt overwhelmed by all that was being asked by the game. However, as I learned the basics and various strategies that are involved in this game, I've come to realize...

Other Stories


Dressing Your Baby
It seems as if the only way to customize our Babies is to give them a background. But that isn't true! There are quite a few items available to clothe our little bundles of joy...

by yourlynn


19 Ways to Enjoy an Apple
Neopets tend to like sweet things, so how can you give it something sweet, but make it healthy at the same time? The answer is fruits.

by jamespongebob


Cloud Flute: Part One
"He was a Draik, though he was different from the ones we know now. To say he was huge would be an understatement. This beast was colossal, with a tail so thick it could uproot mountains and wings so massive they could blot out the sun."

by aquadaika


Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Four
Trinian shouted, "Any sign of the shadows?"

Bea commented, "I'm pretty sure they're back there pointing and laughing."

by saphira_27


As You Were - Part 09
Over the course of the week...

by crainwater


3 Royals plus 1 - one
Happy Halloween...i guess?

by white_tiger0226

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