The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 188,352,098 Issue: 534 | 24th day of Awakening, Y14
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Infinity: Part One

It was the citizens themselves that earned the city its name. Everyone in that city was a Glowing Buzz. They were the Fireflies, proud of their identity as Neopets that naturally adapted to their dark environment. With such deep-rooted pride, none them would ever think of being anything else.

by blueys45
Baby Adventures: The Secret Note - Part One

Mischief is always best done when nobody else can witness it.

by cloudpuffpuff
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"The Coffee Wars" by smokingurl05
I had entered the Art Centre and made my way through the Deep Catacombs, with nothing on my mind but a simple Purple Juppie Java. The minute I entered the Coffee Cave, however, that Purple Juppie Java was wiped clear from my brain by the sight that met my eyes. There seemed to be a full out war going on, with coffee cups flying to and fro so fast that they were nothing but blurs. Every few seconds I could hear one of mugs shatter over the din of shouting Neopets and their...

Other Stories


Agree to Disagree
On the way, my attention turned to a small establishment on the main road. A blue Kyrii sat despondently on the doorstep.

by cactusthorn2151


As the dawn began to break over Faerieland, none of the guards noticed a slender figure leaping from parapet to parapet of Fyora's palace.

by mecha_fang


The Top 10 Most Expensive Cures
The most costly cures, their cheaper alternatives, what they cure...

by mondaybear21


Conquering Carnival Games
The aim of this game is to take out as many Chia clown foes as you can, who of course end up throwing pies at you in retaliation.

by flotsam_freako_8254


Dice-A-Roo # 6 - Honest Mistake
King Roo has to deal with this once in a while.

by toffeedatepudding


Muckla and the 8-bit Power-up Potion
Power up or power down?

by lovisa966

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