Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 189,738,557 Issue: 559 | 23rd day of Hiding, Y14
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I Will Stand Alone: Part One

Prince Jazan the Fourth of Qasala strode down the halls of the palace, his long legs eating up the distance quickly. At sixteen, he'd finally reached his adult height...

by saphira_27
Never Finish Last: Part One

He knew that everything was coming at his doorstep the moment he filed the papers. The day he dropped Brightvale.

Art by renzyboy

by renzyboy

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Cutest Mutant Items

Ugh, Mutants aren't that cute, are they? You can't blame your neopet if they just got turned Mutant by that cruel lab ray, right? (What are you doing zapping innocent pets with that horrible ray, anyways?) But still, some mutant things are extremely cute, in their own "special" way. These Mutant items can be cute as a Faerie item! In fact, here, I looked at all of the Mutant items in Neopia and found the cutest ones of all!

Other Stories


Most carefully plan their pet's dip in those magical waters centered in Neopia Central. Well, my girl may have slipped. That is the current hypothesis, anyway.

by riverpond


Bazaar of Wonders
As dry and unforgiving as sand. The Desert Scarabs have a strict policy on who they will accept...

by kadface


Neopian Fashions Part 2: Kreludor
If you want to successfully explore Kreludor, you have got to look the part.

by petpet_master_


Dr. Frank Sloth’s Guide to the NC Mall
I've decided to take a softer approach to conquering – *cough* I mean, improving – this little planet.

by pizzanoodles2


Peppered Reality: Mutant Day Special
In which having binocular vision is much appreciated.

by rivliex


Three Perks to Having a Mutant Hissi
No fair!

Idea by unexploded

by lilyed

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