teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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New Series

A Queen's Ascension - War

It was another beautiful day in Sakhmet. But the days were always beautiful now that she was Sakhmet’s queen.

by dudeiloled
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"The Weewoo Keeper and the Sea" by miraday
'Tis the last Weewoo tonight flying high alone. All his soft-feathered friends are nestled back home. No other White Weewoos grace Shenkuu’s evening sky. He glides through darkening clouds, shining like starlight. I shall not retire with you still on your journey. I keep the coop hatch ajar and bide my worries. It is my vow to oversee our homeland’s Weewoos: Those who fly between our peaks and afar like you. Soon, the moon rises as pale as your eggshell down. I wait with patience, knowing you will come around. Even when the winds are bad and weather stormy, The day will only end once you fly home to me. The sunset was exceptional that evening: from the peaks of Shenkuu, the amethyst sky yielded to the calm navy of the horizon, the clouds blushing a fuchsia hue as if they were complimented by the rising moon. The nightly mists rolled in and the stars peeked out like little White Weewoos twirling far, far away.

Other Stories


Of Weewoos and Potatoes
Inspiration had deserted me completely. I was supposed to be writing, but for the last five minutes I had just been absent-mindedly tapping on my desk with a pencil, staring at a blank page. This story for the 850th issue of the Neopian Times wasn't going to write itself, but at this rate, it seemed that I wasn't going to write it, either.

by cruthmac


The Weewoo who found his name
One fateful morning, as the sun rose over Krawk Island and the flocks of parakeet and pawkeets started their cacophony of daily songs, each one clamouring to be louder their neighbours, a small Weewoo gently stirred from his sleep.

by smilingpony


85 Reasons for 850 Issues - Why We Love The NT!
There are many things that we love about the Neopian Times! The very fact that it has continue to 850 issues shows just that! But to celebrate, I have compiled a list of 85 things that we love about the Neopian Times!

by carmen_lee123


The Elusive Neopian Times Coin
The elusive prize of special editions through the years.


by seanman1224


Weewoo Documentary: Behind the Scenes
Best spy ever

by sk8zac


To your left....wait, your other left!!!
Okay weewoos now let's get in formation

by chantili_doce

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