The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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Short Stories

850 Years Frozen In Ice

Deep in Terror Mountains there lay hundreds of beasts, some friendly and some foes. It is a place long-forgotten by explorers, and home to potentially undiscovered Neopet and Petpet species.

Also by suchrob

by pixeldream

850 Days Later

The sky was playing a symphony of magical colors that night, notes of muted purples sang their way through harmonies of deep blues while dazzling greens reverberated in between. The cool colors sang soft promises high above the horizon, beckoning the passion of the warm yellows and oranges still clinging to the setting sun to fade away.

by the_gecko_dude_ii
The Weewoo who found his name

One fateful morning, as the sun rose over Krawk Island and the flocks of parakeet and pawkeets started their cacophony of daily songs, each one clamouring to be louder their neighbours, a small Weewoo gently stirred from his sleep.

by smilingpony
Finding Home: A Collection of Letters

It was just after sunrise when Veronique the Island Xweetok finally landed on the beach. The salty ocean breeze was warm and comforting, and the soft sway and rustle of the palm trees reminded her she was home, a notion that was more foreign to her than she expected.

Also written by breakeven and detection.

by tsiegred

Of Weewoos and Potatoes

Inspiration had deserted me completely. I was supposed to be writing, but for the last five minutes I had just been absent-mindedly tapping on my desk with a pencil, staring at a blank page. This story for the 850th issue of the Neopian Times wasn't going to write itself, but at this rate, it seemed that I wasn't going to write it, either.

by cruthmac
The Weewoo Keeper and the Sea

This is my short story submission for the 850th issue of the NT! This story has a personal, very short dedication at its end for my grandmother Patricia.

by miraday
Sleepy Head

The land of Neopia has many worlds with exotic foods, different stories and adventures to tell, but there is only one world where you can make your own story for a short period of time.

by abinorm05
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Enjoy the 850th Edition Party with Rarity 85 Food!

Hello everyone! It’s been a while, huh? How have you been? Good? Great! Just in case we might not have a chance to talk later, I would like to take the time now to thank you for coming to the Neopian Times’ 850th Edition Party hosted by yours truly. I am extremely happy to see you here! Grab a drink and make your way around the garden. There’s a lot of food for you to get your hands (or fins, or paws, or … you get the picture) on. --- Now I would like to speak to you, the readers, of this wonderful, established newspaper. I would like to share some ideas for those who were unable to come to the party. You should celebrate this auspicious occasion wherever you are! I assure you it’s worth the time and preparation to see the smile on your precious Neopet’s face. Whether you like a certain complexity of creating a dish or simply like to buy something straight from the store, this article will have at least one item that will cause your mouth to salivate. With that being said, grab a napkin, a paper and a pen and get jotting as I share with you the ten must-have Rarity 85 food items for a Neopian Times’ 850th Edition Party! Let’s face it; what’s a party without food, huh?

Other Stories


Enjoy the 850th Edition Party with Rarity 85 Food!
Just in case we might not have a chance to talk later, I would like to take the time now to thank you for coming to the Neopian Times’ 850th Edition Party hosted by yours truly. I am extremely happy to see you here!

Grab a drink and make your way around the garden. There’s a lot of food for you to get your hands (or fins, or paws, or … you get the picture) on.

by happyinengland


T3: The 850 Club - Top 35 Trophies for Scoring 850
To commemorate the 850th issue of Neopian Times, I have decided to create a special edition dedicated to the “850 Club”: games where a score of 850 points is enough to give you a trophy. While there are over 40 potential games to make the cut, this list features 35 games, ranked according to a number of factors, including difficulty, probability of getting the trophy during reset, game popularity and availability.

by talekdolorn


The Board Game Master:Part Two
Previously in The Board Game Master...

We met our main protagonist, an Eventide Blumaroo from Roo Island named Roobina. She was an incredibly cunning and skilled strategist who loved games that required logic, deception, and strategy.

by smoothie_king_xiii


A Queen's Ascension - War
It was another beautiful day in Sakhmet. But the days were always beautiful now that she was Sakhmet’s queen.

by dudeiloled


Petpet Regulations #850
"No petpets were harmed in this comic, only celebrated."

Storyboard by blink_darkphoenix

by raiane_flarean_1


End of Year 20 Bulletin
beep brzzzt boop reporting live

by welikedots

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