For an easier life Circulation: 196,752,993 Issue: 935 | 7th day of Hunting, Y23
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Lupe Pack Detectives - The Fake Detective

Blizzard the Lupe detective stumbles upon an arson case, but suspects there is more than meets the eye about this case...

by lupe_hunter_7
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"How to Study with Friends" by liouchan
I ought to begin by saying that Cora had not always been a star, but, in truth, she had always been a star in my eyes. It hit me one day when we were out in Brightvale. On our way to Brightvale Books, I had stopped by the Scrollery to admire the display in its front window, when I noticed that Cora's reflection was not next to mine. Spinning on the spot, I found her on the other side of the road, where a dirt path trailed off into the countryside. She was perched atop a fence post, as if about to leap into the sky. The star-specked blue and warm red of her fur shone brightly against all the greenery. Her eyes were fixed on a point in the distance. I stared in the same direction, wondering what had her so transfixed. Those clouds that shimmered faintly on the horizon, perhaps? When Cora snapped out of it, I waved at her and...

Other Stories


Rise from the Fall
Dedicated to my selfless friend, the Pink Lily in the story, who always goes out of their way to help their friends!

by pixie_tea


How to Study with Friends
Or what to do when you keep gravitating to each other.

by liouchan


Top Two Hissi Colours
Have a happy Hissi Day!

by squin


An Updated Guide To Creative Spotlights, Y22 Edition
There have been many guides written about the Neopian Creative Spotlights, but none have been written in Y22!

by superkathiee


A Korbat's Only Weakness
Personal rating: 7.8/10 - too much light...

by akezis


Battleground of the Obelisk Wordsearch!
Can you solve this Battleground of the Obelisk themed wordsearch?

by zed16

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