Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 175,179,247 Issue: 370 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Short Stories

The Perfect Petpet for Sophie

Sophie had been on her own for almost a year now. She was carefully reading one of the many spell books she had found in the old shed...

by a_greenparrot
True Friendship

Today was Saturday, the day when all of the neighborhood kids went out and played at the local park. The Aisha was looking forward to showing her friends her new plushie.

by lovesdogsago
The Moonlit Adventure

Ariata's first time at walking home alone turned out to be more than she expected.

by ilove_virtualpets
Diary of a Teenage Faerie: Persephone

In the centre of the room was a large cake with twelve candles on it, each one burning with a flame of a different colour.

'My twelfth birthday,' she thought. 'Soon I'll be a real faerie!'

by rookina

The Royalty Club

I'd wanted to be Royal since before Mom had adopted me, for as long as I could remember. I almost started drooling, but that wasn't a very appropriate thing for a Royal-to-be to do...

by animetriplicate
Von Roo's Tale

Von Roo continued, "I have been treated horribly, and wish to redeem myself to the citizens of Neopia. I wish to befriend them, not to scare them."

Also by akeyz

by chat_adik

A Trip to the Dentist

"Julia, we have to go," Olivia said. "The appointment is in five minutes and we've barely made it outside the house."

by maltese51191
Memoirs of a Meepit

My name is Sir Fluffs, and I'm a Meepit.

by averryyy
A Tale Written

It was a long time ago, nearing the beginning of the world. Faerieland was only for faeries in this time...

by buds_and_authors
From the Files of Phil M. Nwar

The Morningside rental office building was not the nicest place to situate your business, but it was cheap, and that was what counted.

by goosher
The Mystery Island Breakfast Line

When waiting in a long line outside of a food store, do not let anything distract you, or else you'll end up like them.

by skullkandies
No Choice

I have nothing. I start from scratch every day, scrambling to recover what I have lost.

by laurapet131

Reverie and May were the same age, but that was the only similarity between them.

by punctuation_ninja
Zafara Rogue

Winter was her enemy now. She realized, as each footstep got a little bit more difficult, that she was running out of time.

by yellowsugardog
Where Faeries Come From

"Flutter, PLEASE? I just want to know. Where do Faeries come from?"

by skutterbotched
Truly Rainbow Lane

Fireworks rock!

by tiquandowitch
The Perfect Petitioners Day

Caspus was just thinking what a lovely and most perfect day it was when, as perfect things often do, everything went wrong.

by sariphe
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Tilting Without Terror

When the game starts, direct it to the hoop the Bruce needs to go to. As soon as the Bruce enters the correct hoop, again quickly position your mouse pointer to the center. This method works towards not losing your mouse pointer, and those precious lives. If you need to make time, because the hoops are on the move, try to center your Bruce or make him rest against some sort of obstacle. Be careful, the stage is constantly moving...

Other Stories


Terror Mountain Tilt Guide
Is your Terror Mountain Tilt score low? Are you a trophies collector in serious need... of trophies? Look no further!

by kissamus


Living Randomly in Neopia
I am always finding things on the ground or getting things handed to me out of nowhere, randomly.

by darkstormer666


Xavier's Quest: Part One
There were no celebrations to be found: no lights, no decorated trees, no singing from the Cliffhanger cliffs. Surely someone had noticed by now. Surely someone on Terror Mountain had realized what time of year it was.

by phadalusfish


Messenger: The Journey North - Part One
We're located right behind the Petpet Supplies shop. We're a little red brick building with a corral, a kennel, and a yard off to the side. A wooden sign is nailed to the door, The Petpet Doctor.

by hedgehog_queen


No Nose Knows Best!
Great makeover!

Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

by cyniska


Toilet Paper Scraps::
Poor Hasee... :(

by friedcheekin

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