The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 184,180,878 Issue: 481 | 11th day of Awakening, Y13
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Short Stories

From the Rose

Ciona was well known as the partygoer of their team, having attended gatherings held by Neopians from every corner of the planet. Naturally, she would be present at Prytariel's Valentine’s Day bash.

by chocolate_lover67
A Very Special Friendship

"I was playing guard," I replied. "I want to be a guard when I grow up."

"Cool," he said honestly. "Can I be a thief?"

by acorna12

A Sibling Story

New siblings come with new challenges.

by chestnuttiger787
The Present

It all started one day in Neoschool before gym class.

by xxviolet665588xx
Land Out of Reach

Penepiko didn't like going on shore. There was something about having to drag oneself across the ground like a crippled Slorg that was demeaning and embarrassing.

by judithtov
Tales From Number Five: Legend of the Ghostkersword - The Beginning

Number Five has seen so many things in his long existence, aside from Jelly World. While he may not usually indulge in them, sometimes, he shares one of these stories...

by rider_galbatorix
Weeto's Valentine's Day Surprise

Weeto was very much the silent member of the family. His sister and brothers were inside the Neohome, playing a game of cards, but Weeto chose to remain outside...

by alt1981black
Jhudora's Card

Today's date had been crossed out in crimson ink that stood out like fresh blood, but she knew what lay behind those markings. It was that accursed day again - Valentine's Day.

by tj_wagner
Hello Valentine

He weighed his options carefully: Walk twice as far around the farms, or just cut through the fields?

His choice was instantly clear.

by micrody

The Letter

Taking a deep breath, she dropped the letter in the mailbox. Now all she could do was wait for an answer.

by rat_spirit
Nothing Sweeter on Valentine's Day

My eyes widened as I read the flyer. My mouth started watering at the thought that I could be painted chocolate!

by amysmother_8
A Slightly Spooky Valentine's

Her bad mood immediately disappeared with the sight of the sparkling ring.

"Oh, wow!" Chalia breathed. "Can I see?"

by azuresky637

The Valentine

That's why you should always check to make sure the address is right.

by sheik_30999
The Valentine Zombie

Nothing fazed the little Usuki Usul much. Doe grew up in the Haunted Woods...

by fairy_dust01
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Gifts That Give Back!

Go ahead, reader; take a look at the calendar. Most likely you're now suffering from an overload of pink; yes, it's that month again, when the site theme goes all rosy and half the population snarfs down chocolate and reads old plot comics. I'm talking about Valentine's Day. What's that, you say? You don't have a Valentine? Thankfully, on Neopets, that sort of thing is totally taken out of the equation. Valentine's Day, here, is about pink, red, and chocolate. Chances are you're a fan of at least one of these things, so I've complied a list of the Top Ten Gifts That Give Back; because while giving may be better than receiving, no one minds getting a little bit...

Other Stories


6 Tips for Making Valentine's Day a Success
Are you stressed out about how to make Valentine's Day special for all of the people you have compiled on your neofriends list?

by gloomyparadise


Gifts for Valentine's Day
With Valentine's Day just around the corner on February 14th, the shops of Neopia are filling with eager customers looking to buy that perfect gift for the special people in their life.

by xoxkar


Scarlet Shadow: Secrets and Reunions - Part One
The Lady Cios stood silently. She bowed in greeting. "Lord Kanrik," she began, "I do hope your trip was uneventful?"

by kathleen_kate


Unrest: Part Seven
"Get out of here," she snapped. "Go somewhere quiet and knock yourself out, before you burn this boat down."

Massie turned and ran.

by linda_reincarnated


Happy Valentine's Day!... Or...

by sharkies


Happy Valentines Day!
...but it was too expensive.

by smile_hurluberlue

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