White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 184,180,878 Issue: 481 | 11th day of Awakening, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

MAGAX and Nox were such bros outside of the game and don't you even deny it.

Gifts That Give Back!

Go ahead, reader; take a look at the calendar. Most likely you're now suffering from an overload of pink; yes, it's that month again, when the site theme goes all rosy and half the population snarfs down chocolate and reads old plot comics. I'm talking about Valentine's Day. What's that, you say? You don't have a Valentine? Thankfully, on Neopets, that sort of thing is totally taken out of the equation. Valentine's Day, here, is about pink, red, and chocolate. Chances are you're a fan of at least one of these things, so I've complied a list of the Top Ten Gifts That Give Back; because while giving may be better than receiving, no one minds getting a little bit...

Adopt a Grundo!

One of the most commonly abandoned (and rarely adopted) species is the Grundo, Neopia's huggably puppy-eyed friend from outer space. Why these little fellows are so often left in the lurch is not certain. Part of it might be that new players create them at the Virtupets Space Station thinking they have found a rare pet and discover later what a very common and (sadly) unpopular species they are. Other players might find the ability to create them in purple, brown, and white, colors not normally available at a pet's creation, to be a novelty whose charm later wears off. Whatever the case, I wish to discuss the other side of the coin: adopting a Grundo from the pound...

What Makes a Good Plot

I think most Neopians will agree that 'The Faeries' Ruin' was the best plot of recent times, but what exactly makes this plot different? What makes this plot something to yell from the hilltops, but something like 'Atlas of the Ancients' to crash and burn? How come people always talk about the Lost Desert plot or Tale of Woe like they are some shining beacons of purity in the Neopian skies?

Other Stories
"Land Out of Reach" by judithtov
"Sure," said Penepiko, "as long as it's not that levitation spell. I've tried it so many times over the past five years I'm sick of it." The spell itself was quite elegant and easy to cast; it was the product of hundreds of generations of Peophins casting and perfecting the enchantment. What irritated Penepiko most was how her rump would float in the air for a few seconds before crashing back into the sand. No matter how hard she tried, she could never...

"The Valentine Zombie" by fairy_dust01
Doemennica skipped through puddles of dank brown water, her impossibly long green and purple locks whipping out behind her. "Come on, Winslow," she giggled, "Mum's baking cookies, chocolate chip and cinnamon, my favourite!" Winslow, her ever faithful mutant Bearog harrumphed impatiently, trying to sidestep the worst of the puddles. Doe stopped mid skip, something having caught her eye. Pausing for a...

"The Valentine" by sheik_30999
He was making a half Valentine's, half thank you card to one of the most unappreciated, yet vital Neopian he knew: the Space Faerie. It seemed kind of weird to the green Blumaroo that though everybody chatted endlessly about their role models, such as King Altador, Fyora, and Isca, he never heard anything about the faerie who had saved the whole of Neopia from Dr. Frank Sloth. It was so unfair! Without her, they'd all be robots and would have to pretend...

Send A Valentine!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Neogreetings
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