A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 483 | 25th day of Awakening, Y13
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Short Stories

Tales From Number Five: Legend of the Ghostkersword - The End

Lord Darigan sensed it. The Ghostkersword. Long ago, when he was young, it had nearly destroyed him.

by rider_galbatorix
The Tragic Tales that Inspired Recent Paint Colors

Ever since their owner had adopted Anna, Peter just didn't know if he fit in with this family anymore.

by jlp2q
Purple Flowers and Drums

To color that blank slate inside me, I watch everything that goes on at my little corner of Neopia.

by sarlizkat114
The Birthday Surprise

"It's my birthday!" I cried gleefully. I sprang out of bed, stuffed my feet into my slippers, and raced downstairs.

by natverdi
Greatest Business Deal Ever in Neopia

The true story behind Fyora's Hidden Tower.

by hollyc39

"Good. 201, I am going to trial the happiness program. Prepare for installation."

by thorndove
Sophie versus The Next Generation

One of his key strategies was to bend the truth to however he saw fit. It had worked for quite a while, but then Mr. Peterson had made the mistake of messing with Sophie the Swamp Witch.

by a_greenparrot
Bringer of Night: An Unwitting Accomplice

Callum, a desert Ruki, was stumbling through the night in the hopes of finding shelter when suddenly, a howl ripped through the desert air...

by icy_catalyst
Robotic by the Lab Ray

The mad scientist positioned his ray, and Kira closed her eyes.


by sapphirekira

The Tale of Galgarrath

The sky was considered a privilege...

by pandora
Never Buy Cheap Pants

They were really a bargain - an over-bargain, practically free. The saleslady rang them up to a mere 6 neopoints - how fabulous, right?

by extralizzay
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"Never Buy Cheap Pants" by extralizzay
They were really a bargain - an over-bargain, practically free. The saleslady rang them up to a mere 6 neopoints - how fabulous, right? I was excited beyond belief and wore them that fateful school day like I had so determinedly planned at the checkout. The first clue about the massive hole that had mysteriously been torn in the pants...

Other Stories


How to Deal with Guild Wars
What starts out as a measly little argument can grow until it is a full fledged war that makes everyone feel uncomfortable and horribly divides the guild.

by incantationbella


A Taste Of The (Extremely) High Life
A summary of THE most expensive foods known throughout each Neopian world.

by schoolwars


Scarlet Shadow: Secrets and Reunions - Part Three
The Unis landed on the shifting sands outside the city. There was no welcome party save for Princess Amira’s personal guard. They led Crystal and Jeran to the palace and brought them to the throne room.

by kathleen_kate


The Hard Life: Tales of a Lab Rat - Part Three
So, as the Chocolate Blumaroo had promised, once a month Gary was taken to that lab ray to be transformed over and over.

by 13snip3r7


Naptime in the Snowager's Lair
This is what happens when a Kacheek takes a nap instead of running away in the Snowager's lair! :)

by rewindness


Any Job Will Do - Part 01
Y'worry too much, Boss...

by crainwater

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