Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 185,375,381 Issue: 495 | 20th day of Hunting, Y13
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Short Stories

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sugar

Team Roo Island + sugar = a crazy adventure!

by chimp_chicken_fish
Living Up To My Father's Name

Today is the championship game of the 30th Annual Altador Cup, and my team is in the running for first place.

by monkiegurl_22
The Usuki Singing Stars #7: The Miss-Fortune Teller

A brown Aisha was hovering her hands over a colourful crystal as she spoke to a nervous pink Bruce. "I see a well... a wishing well..."

by downrightdude
Cool's Adventure

Cool_sul was hiding in the bushes. He was not going to the Neopian hospital, no matter what.

by stella_123_5
A Phantom's Tale

"But for now, the phantom is content to explore the confines of Neopia…"

by winterscars

"Hi, Casy," Pog said sleepily. "What's going on?"

"Get up. Come on," Casy said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "We're going on an adventure."

by goddess2020


I pause at the arch that marks the entrance to the Colosseum, gazing up at the massive, ancient structure...

by tplanford
The Lesson

It was a fine summer day, those years ago. I hadn't been planning on going anywhere or doing anything.

by havittaa
Memories of Natasha

She'd been gone too long.

by wildtail_4998
A Celebration of Neggs

I had been expected to like the icky things since I was born, with negg shaped toys dangled in front of me by my loving owner when I was a toddler, and neggs gifted to me by various relatives and friends throughout my life, but the truth is, I hate neggs of all shapes, sizes and colors.

by liyuuki
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Koi Day Vacations

It's that most excellent time of year: Koi Day! And I'm sure all of you Koi owners have lots of exciting plans for what to do with your Koi, right? What's that? You have lots of ideas, but they all fall through because Koi are aquatic creatures who can't do anything in the lands of Neopia except flop around like, well, a fish out of water? Gosh, that is a pickle. Luckily for you, Puufuu, Travel Agent Extraordinaire, is here to help...

Other Stories


Gifts for Your Koi
With Koi Day just around the corner, you might want to give your Koi a few (or many!) gifts in celebration of their special day.

by foo_foo_face


Altador Cup Preview
Roster changes have yet to be announced, but the buzz has already started for some of last year's top teams. Let's break down the competition.

by amarise


The Unorthodox Expedition: Part Two
Lilith drank in a deep breath of the still, humid air. "Perseus, on days like these, it feels wonderful to be alive."

by saabcd__aa


Scarblade's Pearl: Part Three
Looking back to the water, Nira took a deep breath and let it out.

Don't be such a coward! Nira commanded herself.

by theloverpokemonqueen


Wishing Woes
Replaced. *sigh*

Also by princess_in_pink_77

by inuyashalover37


The Plushies: Tell Him Off, Mr Coconut!
Don't insult me, bro.

by jamba_jukeba

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