White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 190,097,671 Issue: 568 | 26th day of Collecting, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Indeed," the Brain Tree agreed drolly. "Because undead uprisings of Squishy Brain Wraps are such a pain to deal with."

Neopian Halloween!

So you must be wondering what on earth there is to do in Neopia during October, a chilly and dark month leading up to the scariest day of the year, Halloween. Sure, there are pumpkin patches to visit, costumes to be arranged for your Neopets, even some pre-holiday candy snacking to partake in. But there are tons more ways to celebrate this occasion, though I feel obligated to warn you that most, if not all, of them may result...

Pumpkins Everywhere

The candy, the costumes, the scary, the ugly and THE PUMPKINS. Nobody will deny that the pumpkin themed classics, such as Pumpkin Pot Pie and Screaming Jack-O-Lantern are a definite must this Halloween. But these days the classics are a familiar comfort, that don't quite evoke the same way they used to. So to help those looking to add something new to their Halloween pumpkin collection, I've decided to make a list of some...

Halloween Costume Ideas

I know how challenging it can be to come up with something amazing and original each year. While it might be tempting to fall back on some tried-and-true costumes (Deluxe Polarchuck, Gobbler, etc.) or follow the Faerie route (since there were so many Illusen/Jhudora/Fyora/etc. wearables released this year), I've come up with a few costume ideas for every species using pet-specific outfits already available on the market that...

Other Stories
"Mr. Cuddles" by saphira_27
"But it's Halloween! If it's not scary, what's the point?" Glaring at Zillie wouldn't work – it never did. Katrina turned back to their little display by their mailbox. There were a few pumpkins, one or two scarecrow dolls, and a stuffed Werelupe that was rather more cute than frightening. Most of the other houses on their quiet street on the western edge of Neopia Central were decorated the same way. Zillie ranted, "Skulls! Meepits! Zombies! Mutants! That's what we..."

"The Mansion" by blue_thunder94
It's a dark, rainy evening. Water is coming down in buckets from the gray sky. Occasionally, a flash of lightning illuminates your path, but for the most part, you stumble along blindly. Your clothes, warm and dry just minutes ago, are slick and stick to your skin like an icy shell. Beneath you, the path has grown muddy, slippery, and dangerous. For a moment, you consider turning back and high-tailing it back home to where it is safe and warm, but you are past the half-way...

"An Apple a Day" by teaspill
"Sure," I said, "come on in, take a seat. What's the trouble?" She went to a big, cushy red chair that I kept in front of my desk, crossing her legs as she sat. Her hoof bobbed as she spoke, her manner halting and nervous. "Maybe nothing," she said. "I mean, I think something's going on, but I could just be crazy." She bit her lip; her tusks weaved through the air as she shook her head. This was one rattled Moehog. "Just tell me the whole story," I said. And she did...

Have You Tried On A Mask Yet?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Masks of Dread
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Great stories!


Trick-or-Treating at the Tax Beast's House
Maybe we should skip his house this year...

by megan713


Tales from Number Five: Under the Highest Sky - Part Three
"No spell can penetrate those wards. However, I did manage to find a loophole in the enchantments. The spell will stop something that is not a faerie from moving towards Faerieland, but will not stop Faerieland if it moves towards it."

by rider_galbatorix


The Benefits of Being a Pumpkin JubJub on Halloween
Just think of the possibilities!

by qelato


Cukkerka's Second Halloween
Are you done dressing up?

by pilicaracer


The Draik in Black
"Oh my, what scary costumes you two are wearing!"

by dr_tomoe

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