There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 190,097,671 Issue: 568 | 26th day of Collecting, Y14
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Short Stories

An Eerie Gift

Theodore wrapped his bulky claws around the small, smooth pebble in his pocket...

by hermione_890_neo
Spells, Flames, Illusions

"There's no such thing as ghosts! Why, I went to that graveyard outside of town and I certainly didn't see any ghosts."

by cherishtwilight
Mr. Cuddles

Katrina asked, not liking the cold feeling at the pit of her stomach, "What in Neopia would scare a Meepit?"

by saphira_27

Never in my life had I imagined I would ever become friends with Jaqueline the desert Xweetok.

by allison_kitty11
I, Von Roo

Thelonius made his way down the old, unkempt path to Castle Von Roo. He carried with him a lantern, for night had taken the sky...

by nintyplayer
Halloween Heroism (sort of)

But there is one street that remains dark and silent - maybe even more so than on normal days.

by eclipxedrose
An Apple a Day

Playing cards are rotten for building. I was sitting at my desk, calmly building a house of cards, when one little knock on the door was enough to make the whole thing come tumbling down.

by teaspill
The Forgotten

The rolling hills leading into Brightvale were a very welcome sight. Theolounious Scrivenger paused to settle his hat...

by graveyardcandyapple
The Mansion

"I'm Coleston," he says as he takes a seat in a large winged-back chair, "Welcome to my home." He smiles, showing off every one of his sharp white teeth.

by blue_thunder94
A Cautionary Tail

Be careful what you wish for!

by tranqz
Senhal's Spooky NeoQuest Story

Pystry the Mutant Hissi stoked the campfire. With a loud pop and a crack the flames leapt up, briefly illuminating the happy faces of the shivering young campers.

by peirigill
The Draik in Black

"Oh my, what scary costumes you two are wearing!"

by dr_tomoe
The Rainy Night Tale

"Roll the dice already!" Lolly yelled, slamming her faerie Lupe paw impatiently on the ground.

by futurevetpet
The Night of the Brain Tree Fruit

"Fruit! Brain Tree Fruit! Come buy some delicious fruit!"

by msdelirium
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"The Mansion" by blue_thunder94
It's a dark, rainy evening. Water is coming down in buckets from the gray sky. Occasionally, a flash of lightning illuminates your path, but for the most part, you stumble along blindly. Your clothes, warm and dry just minutes ago, are slick and stick to your skin like an icy shell. Beneath you, the path has grown muddy, slippery, and dangerous. For a moment, you consider turning back and high-tailing it back home to where it is safe and warm, but you are past the half-way...

Other Stories


Investigating: Malkus Vile
First of all, we looked into Malkus Vile's species. According to the card, he is a green Skeith, wearing a fedora. My detective team looked into all possible conclusions.

by terabithian


Toddlers' Terror: A Guide to Scaring the Training Pants off your Baby Neopet
This is Halloween! It's the one time of year when it's actually socially acceptable to deliberately scare your Neopets half to death, and I'm gonna terrify the nappy off my baby Usul.

by mrs_cherish


The Golden Elephante: Part Two
Tazaa's home turned out to be one of five rooms in the narrow building. They climbed a flight of chipped steps to a landing that contained a wooden door that looked like it had been forcibly removed from its hinges several times.

by rachelindea


Keep Smiling: Part Four
"I met him about four years ago when I was still the king and before The Engineer started becoming more active in the City of Lights. He's the one that helped me get on my feet when I took refuge in Central Cavern..."

by blueys45


Use Your Imagination
A ghost comes out of the ground and stares evilly at you...

by shadowstrand


A Spooky Halloween, part 4
A startling revelation!

by ghostkomorichu

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