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We found the following 31 result(s) for the keyword czenko28

Week - 193

Curses of Maraqua
by ickessler
Description: One of the best around?

Idea by czenko28

Week - 199

The Pirate Letter: Part One
by czenko28
Description: You have not heard from me for months, but I still remember you like yesterday...

Week - 200

The Pirate Letter: Part Two
by czenko28
Description: I listened to the silence of my Neohome. Life has been different since Firaga left, like a piece of Mystery Island was gone...

Week - 201

The Pirate Letter: Part Three
by czenko28
Description: I just wanted to waste some time with a silly game. The pirates weren't here yet so I thought it would be a good idea, but I didn't know what this game was...

Week - 202

The Pirate Letter: Part Four
by czenko28
Description: I was about to put my hand on the door knob, but a chubby hand held me back...

Week - 203

The Pirate Letter: Part Five
by czenko28
Description: I flew up to her and hugged her. "Firaga, we have to get out of here, now," I said...

Week - 204

The Pirate Letter: Part Six
by czenko28
Description: "You thought you could get away so easily. Firaga, you are a pirate, and you will always be a pirate. As long as you are a pirate, you are going to stay on my crew."

Week - 200

The Curse of the Notebook
by czenko28
Description: Then another thought came into Lavada's mind. If the series got in, what would Tristram think? It was so obvious that Lavada had used Tristram in the story...

Week - 205

by czenko28
Description: by Silver

Week - 210

Mynci Guide to Advance Players
by czenko28
Description: I discovered that there was a whole other part of the game that wasn’t explored. This article is taking Mynci Beach Volleyball to a much higher level, providing you with as much knowledge I know.

Week - 214

Legendary Champions
by czenko28
Description: Did you get anything good?

Week - 215

Of Kelp and Health
by evanescent_pudding
Description: Walking (or swimming, rather) to its entrance, they met the reedy Maraquan Scorchio and said, 'We're with the Neopian Health Committee...'

Also by czenko28

Week - 218

Legendary Champions
by czenko28
Description: Can you read minds?

Also by moleitara

Week - 218

The Pirate Writer: Part One
by czenko28
Description: "Ahoy," Captain Woodbeak said through the locked, wooden door. He unlocked it and opened it. "So, how is me pirate doin'?" he said...

Week - 219

The Pirate Writer: Part Two
by czenko28
Description: Captain Woodbeak began walking downstairs. "Sleep well, pirates. I 'ave a very important job for you in the morning."

Week - 220

The Pirate Writer: Part Three
by czenko28
Description: "Where'd you find that?" I gasped, reaching toward the handle...

Week - 221

The Pirate Writer: Part Four
by czenko28
Description: "Firaga, my matey, you've impressed me a lot over the last day. You've seemed to change. After you have gotten this Shoyru off of your mind, I believe you are becoming something more than just a pirate."

Week - 222

The Pirate Writer: Part Five
by czenko28
Description: After sitting through all of that, I didn't make a move until now, and I was too late. Kera was trapped, and Captain Woodbeak had a fire paint brush in his fat claws...

Week - 223

The Pirate Writer: Part Six
by czenko28
Description: "Captain!" a few of the pirates yelled. "There's a leak in the ship. What shall we do?"

Week - 224

A Trip to the Pound
by czenko28
Description: You don’t know how many times I have seen pets with almost the same exact names in the pound. People are creating pets to be abandoned. How sad is that?

Week - 239

by czenko28
Description: Natallie stopped immediately and looked back at the young red Usul. "I forgot to give you a name," she said...

Week - 271

Coal is a Girl's Best Friend
by czenko28
Description: It was Christmas morning. Rainy was the first to get up this morning. Traditionally, the first to wake up has to...

Week - 275

by czenko28
Description: By Silver

Week - 291

The Midnighter
by czenko28
Description: So the game started. One pet searched while the others hid. The Neopet searched for a long time. Hours possibly. She looked everywhere she could possibly think of, and she eventually got desperate...

Week - 300

A Skunk Story: Part One
by czenko28
Description: His ears twitched and he shook his head to indicate that there was no way he was going to go downstairs. It was only expected...

Week - 301

A Skunk Story: Part Two
by czenko28
Description: Naninhah was still in my mind. There was the chance that he was going to be abandoned again. No. No. There couldn't be a chance. I wanted to change that "chance" to 0%...

Week - 302

A Skunk Story: Part Three
by czenko28
Description: "No! I can't be out of paper!" I shouted to the sky...

Week - 303

A Skunk Story: Part Four
by czenko28
Description: Nanin was still refusing to get out of bed and start the plan we have been working on for so long. "You have to get up. We have to do this. There's no turning back." He didn't budge.

Week - 316

Lavalilly's Guide to Success
by czenko28
Description: Written and Researched by Lavalilly

Week - 360

Expert Ed-vise
by czenko28
Description: We need a re-fill!

Week - 1001

The Valentine Cure
by czenko28
Description: "For my entire life of 5 days and 3 hours, I dreamed of becoming a Neopian Times reporter. I longed to write with the fancy, blue quill and to own a White Weewoo Petpet. Today, that dream was..."

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Love of Chocolate
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Valentines Day at Kelp
It's the best day of the year!

by juli_puff


Wearing Your (Broken) Heart on Your Sleeve This Year
I’m just going to say it - not all of us enjoy Valentine’s Day. As Neopians, we are far too familiar with heartbreak.

by jackie247

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