For an easier life Circulation: 197,747,911 Issue: 1001 | 9th day of Awakening, Y26
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Stylish Wearables for UN-Valentine's Day!

Starring Maldice the Stealthy Draik, Malmagma the Magma Draik, Malumbra the Halloween Draik, and Christine, their owner!

by _brainchild_
Valentine's Day For People Who Hate Pink

As someone whose favourite colour happens to be pink, I can’t believe I’m writing this article. It goes against everything I stand for!!

by ultimatekai123
Wearing Your (Broken) Heart on Your Sleeve This Year

I’m just going to say it - not all of us enjoy Valentine’s Day. As Neopians, we are far too familiar with heartbreak.

by jackie247
Fabulous Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Wondering the best ways to treat yourself on such a highly anticipated day as Valentine’s Day? Well, follow me through this list of fabulous ways to celebrate.

by candylandtheonomy
Sweet Treats: Pink Gourmet Edition!

"Can you feel it in the air? That sweet vibe of blissful happiness, deep care and waves of wanderlust? Wait, don’t tell me you forgot that Valentine’s Day is coming up. Did you?"

by remidica
Top Ten Valentine's Day Wearables (NC & NP)

Is your Neopet a true sweetheart? Do they constantly shower you in love? Are they competing with Cupid for World’s Cutest Cherub?

by littleprincessmaid
Be Your Own Valentine: A Self-Care Guide

"As the Month of Awakening takes Neopia by storm, filling the streets with the cloying scent of ribbon-tied Dr. Sloth Flower Bouquets and stringing frilly garlands over every available surface, the average Neopian heart finds itself in one of two camps..."

by purplepeggie
Which Valentine's Gift Are You?

"Ah, Valentine’s Day. The season of hearts, glitter, and roses. The air is full of love, our hearts are full of joy, and- if you’re anything like me- your mind is awash with the same question you face every year..."

by jjensen687
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"The Valentine Cure" by czenko28
For my entire life of 5 days and 3 hours, I dreamed of becoming a Neopian Times reporter. I longed to write with the fancy, blue quill and to own a White Weewoo Petpet. Today, that dream was finally in reach. While I had a slight appearance and a small voice as a Blue Kacheek — and while my name as "Warble" did not instil confidence — I was eager, which was all I truly needed to earn an apprenticeship. Under the dim sun of the Month of Sleeping, I gazed up at the small studio above a grooming salon in Neopia Central. This was the studio office of one of Neopian Time's legendary reporters: Silver the Island Kougra. He had over 30 trophies for his journalism. Much of his reporting was on the horrible pound situation. Silver himself was adopted from the pound and is an advocate for adoption. But the pound had only gotten worse since Silver's reporting many years ago. Recently, Neopia had closed the pound due to its bad infrastructure. Adoptions had stopped altogether. Neopets everywhere were suffering more than ever. Yet Silver had not come back when Neopia needed him most. My plan was simple — to demand that I work for Silver as an assistant reporter. I could help bring back the hard-hitting journalism that we needed. Plus, I could sweeten the deal by making runs for Borovan at the local cafe. Behind the grooming salon, I creaked up the wooden, aged steps...

Other Stories


The Valentine Cure
"For my entire life of 5 days and 3 hours, I dreamed of becoming a Neopian Times reporter. I longed to write with the fancy, blue quill and to own a White Weewoo Petpet. Today, that dream was..."

by czenko28


Grey to Fuchsia
"The old alarm sounded exactly at seven o’clock, same as yesterday, same as the day before. Edgar Rutherford turned gingerly in his bed and rubbed his eyes, crusted with fatigue from another night of unsteady slumber..."

by yuumeria


Who said Programming was Easy?
"Garfalox stares at the screen, numbly pressing keys and watches the light bars go up and down on another screen. Sighing deeply, he checks the clock..."Collab with vicunas

by greenj12356


The Thousand Year Time-Out
"The shadow came closer. It was very round. Squinting in the daylight, she recognised it as a giant Gulper. Goregas. From behind it popped her sister..."

by liouchan


You've Got Neomail
Who could it be from..? Collab with blazing_coolz

by tian174


A Loves Sacrifice
What? You really didn't expect an Usukigirl to have high standards?

by rebeccanmn

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